Somatic Disorders and Chronic Illnesses

If you have a somatic disorder and/or a chronic illness, then when filling out your "Accommodation Request" form, you will need to attach the following document: "Certificate from your primary care physician".

Neuropsychological difficulties (slowness, difficulty concentrating, etc.) that may result from neurological diseases or somatic conditions can also be included in your request (if applicable) with a: "Neuropsychological Assessment".

More information about the required documents

The certificate from the primary care physician is a document required by the Special Needs Office. It must meet certain criteria to be deemed acceptable when evaluated by the CEBP.


List of criteria to meet

The certificate must be recent (dated within the last 3 years) and include the following information:

  • Justification and date of diagnosis (exam results)
  • Summary of current treatment
  • Current treatments
  • Description of the impact of the disorder on your university studies
  • Description of the compensatory strategies you have implemented and/or the assistive devices you use
  • Description of the expected progression
  • Detailed and well-supported proposals for the requested accommodations


If you do not yet have a document meeting these criteria, we recommend contacting your primary care physician and providing them with this list.

The neuropsychological assessment is a document required by the Special Needs Office. It must meet certain criteria to be deemed acceptable when evaluated by the CEBP.


The objectives of the assessment

The assessment aims to:

  • Explore sensitive cognitive functions that may interfere with expected performance during exams (processing speed, attention, and executive functions).
  • Evaluate the potential role and impact of the somatic context on cognitive functioning.


List of criteria to meet

The assessment must include the following information:

  • A collection of anamnesis data (interview, questionnaires),
  • The evaluation of specific cognitive processes (standardized tools/tests): difficulties must be quantified by appropriate tests, and their results must be included in the presented assessment. A certificate confirming the disorder without the results of the tests conducted is not acceptable.


If you do not yet have a document meeting these criteria, we recommend contacting your primary care physician and providing them with this list.

UNIGE Services

UNIGE offers various resources to support you in your accommodation request.


Consultation at the FPSE Pôle cité

To undergo a neuropsychological assessment, you can contact the Neuropsychological Consultation at the FPSE Pôle Cité at +41(0)22 379 80 65 for an appointment. 

Fees for the FPSE Pôle Cité (the fees will be at your expense):

  • File analysis: CHF 145.-/hour
  • Supplementary assessment: CHF 145.-/hour
  • Full assessment: CHF 500.-


Financial Assistance

As a UNIGE student, you may be eligible for one-time financial assistance to cover these costs.

You will need to apply for financial aid through the University's Financial Aid Service.

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