

The word ergonomics was created in 1857, combining words ergon (“work”) and nomos (“law”) coming from ancient greek. International Ergonomics association defines it as a scientific discipline aiming at understanding of interactions between humanbeings and other elements of a system, and the profession that applies theories, principles, data and methods to design in order to optimize human well-being and more generally, system performance.



According to State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO) comments regarding Ordinance 3 (OLT 3) of Labor's law (LTr), the latter sets out general and specific ergonomic requirements for the design and layout of workstations.


FCOS is the Swiss information and coordination center for occupational health and safety. It coordinates preventive measures, the tasks of enforcement bodies and the uniform application of regulations.

SECO is a Swiss body that deals with economic policy issues. It is responsible for implementing domestic and foreign economic policy conditions.

SUVA is Switzerland's largest accident insurance company, and plays an important role in occupational health and safety.

SwissErgo is a Swiss association which promotes ergonomics as a key area of occupational safety.

INRS is a French non-profit association dealing with the prevention of accidents at work and occupational illnesses.

SELF aims to promote ergonomic research, practice and teaching in order to ensure the health and safety of people and the efficiency of their activities.

IEA is an international association whose aim is to advance the practice of human factors and ergonomics (HFE) through collaboration with various companies and organizations.

EU-OSHA is a European Union (EU) structure providing input to the EU's strategic framework for health and safety at work for the period 2021-2027.