
repetitive movements


By repetitive movements, we mean a sequence in which the effort required is almost always similar, involving the same muscles and joints, and which is repeated at relatively short intervals. These movements generally involve the upper limbs, and do so unilaterally. For example, they can range from using pipettes in the laboratory to using a mouse when working on a computer.



Repetitive movements, particularly of the arm and hand, are the risk factor that has increased the most between 2014 and 2022 for companies : 

  • In 2015, repetitive movements were one of the most frequent physical constraints at work.
  • In 2017, nearly 60% of workers performed repetitive movements for at least a quarter of their working time, i.e. at least 2 hours out of an 8-hour day.
  • In 2019, repetitive movements accounted for over 60% of risk factors in Swiss companies.
  • By 2022, over 60% of Swiss workers aged 15 to 64 will spend at least a quarter of their time performing repetitive movements.