
tricks and practical recommendations


Stand up and move !

Changing position often, getting up and walking are the first things to do to avoid the onset of pain. For example, when you're at work, make calls standing up, and take the stairs instead of the elevator. During breaks, go get a glass of water and get some fresh air.




Look to the horizon and alternate tasks ! 

Regularly looking into the distance will give your eyes a rest. Alternating screen-based tasks with other tasks (e.g. on paper) is also a good way to prevent eyestrain.





If you feel any pain when performing the movements, stop the sequence and do not force yourself.






Lunges are an excellent exercise for strengthening the gluteal muscles, hamstrings and quadriceps :

  • Take a large step forward, then bend the knees until both the front and the back knee form a right angle.
  • Knees in line with hips: they don't lean in or out





Like lunges, the chair is a great exercise to strengthen leg muscles :


  • Position yourself against a wall, with your whole back pressed against it, feet slightly further away from the wall and hip-width apart
  • Lower yourself into the chair position, knees at right angles, back pressed against the wall, arms by your sides.
  • If possible, stay in this position for at least 1 minute








The Superman

The Superman is a good exercise to work the entire posterior body chain:


  • Lie flat on your stomach, arms stretched out in front of you on the floor
  • Lift the legs, chest and arms, contracting the glutes and lower back
  • Keep your gaze directed towards the ground to avoid creating unnecessary tension in the back of the neck.






The bridge

The bridge strengthens gluteal and lumbar muscles

  • Lie on your back, arms at your sides, feet hip-width apart, flat on the floor
  • Bring your feet under your knees
  • Raise your pelvis until you reach an inclined plank position, but be careful not to arch your back !



Attention.pngIf you feel any pain when performing the movements, don't force yourself and stop the sequence. These exercises are suggestions. The areas indicated in blue are those in which the stretch should be felt. Perform each stretch for approximately 30 seconds.



Neck and trapezius stretch

  • The hand rests on the head, which is tilted (no pressure applied))
  • Opposite arm outstretched, try to touch the ground with the hand without tilting the bust
  • Repeat on the other side.




Oblique stretch

  • Bend the torso to one side and reach far above the head with the hand on the opposite side to the flexion
  • Use your other hand to pull slightly on the already stretched arm to increase the stretching sensation.
  • Repeat on the other side.



Back stretch

  • Sit firmly in your chair, and make sure there are no obstacles in front of you
  • Let your body weight tilt forward to relieve pressure on the lower back
  • The bust rests on the knees, the arms and head are relaxed and the hands touch the ground.





Back and glutes stretch

  • Cross one leg over the other and place the opposite hand on the outside of the knee, to increase the stretch slightly
  • Using the back of the chair, turn the bust and look over the shoulder to create a back torsion
  • Repeat on the other side.