First Aid

First-aid day 2024

Wednesday 28 February 2024 - 9h-18h - Uni Mail Hall

STEPS Service , AMUNIGE and AEMG are organizing an awareness day  on first-aid for the UNIGE community and the public in Uni Mail Hall. A simple action can save a life! Learn it.

Program - Free Access

From 9h to 18h - Cardio-pulmonary resuscitation workshops (chest compressions et defibrillation)

  • Practice chest compression and defibrillation on dummies
  • Information stands from partners (Civil protection, Fire-brigade SIS, Samaritains Genève, Save-a-life, ENSA, Safety first, LAMA, HUG, etc.)
    • First responders
    • Engagement associatif, formation des plus jeunes et gestion des événements majeurs
    • Rope rescue GRIMP
    • Protecting cultural assets PBC
    • Mental health first aid
  • BLS-AED (Basic life support - Automated external defibrillator) training courses on site for students:  subscribe using this  link (use your UNIGE email address)
  • Many gifts and goodies
  • Demonstrations, conferences et films:
    • 12h00-12h30 - Live demo of an intervention from the first-responder to the evacuation by medical staff
    • 12h30-13h30 - Conferences and video "Au coeur des urgences genevoises"
      • Laurence Valiton (coordinatrice administration et communication Save-a-life)
      • Ely Braun (ambulancier SMUR, cadre opérationnel préhospitalier HUG)

Dowload the poster.

spEcial OFFERS: For Students


Subscribe to training courses for 25 CHF only on the Samaritain stand:

  • BLS-AED (Basic life support - Automated external defibrillator) training course organized in March and April 2024 at l'UNIGE.

For Students and collaborators


Join the  "Save-a-life" network and become first-responsder in Geneva.

Informations and subscription on site at the Save-a-life stand.

For collaborators


Become UNIGE first-aid team member:

  • Get trained with STEPS service, subscribe here (if there's no more places available: register here).

  • You are already trained, send your certificate by email: join us.

  • You would like to regularly get informed on training course sessions available: register here.


Organized by AMUNIGE, AEMG and STEPS Service

our partners

Samaritains Genève - SamGE


Protection Civile Genève

Sapeurs-Pompiers Volontaires - Groupement SIS Genève

Sauvetage La Belotte-Bellerive

Hôpitaux Universitaires Genève - HUG

Ligue Académique de Médecine Aiguë - LAMA

Safety first



Retrouvez toutes nos formations santé-sécurité sur le site Web STEPS.