Satellite Application Facilities irradiance products comparison and validation
Acronyme : SafRad
Mots clés
Meteosat, Sattelite Application Facilities, Irradiance, Long wave
Ineichen Pierre
Eumetsat is an organisation providing data and services to the different national meteorological offices and is partner in number of climate monitoring programs. The data sources are images from geostationnary and polar orbit satellites. In order to benefit from members specialized expertise, Eumetsat created in 1999 Satellite Application Facilites (SAFs), based on cooperation between several offices and hosted by a national meteorological service (
Three SAFs working on climate monitoring retrieve mainly surface solar irradiance (SSI) and downward longwave irradiance (DLI) from meteosat new generation satellite (MSG) and NOAA-AVHRR satellites. To obtain the same parameters, the different SAFs use their own algorithms and different sources of secondary input data. It was therefore suitable to conduct a common validation of the produced values against ground measurements, and to do an intercomparison of the different products. The benefit will be an assessement of the different methods. The study will provide informations on possible biases and noise, point out specific dependencies, and bring some recommendations to improve the methods.
To do the comparison and validation, data from eight european ground stations covering latitudes from 44° to 58° north will be used. The work will be done on 4 separate months representative of the annual declination variation. The solar surface and downward longwave irradiances will mainly be analyzed, and if available, secondary parameters like the dry bulb temperature and the atmospheric humidity.
Météo France, A. Marsouin, ocean and sea ice SAF
Satellite Application Facilities irradiance products: hourly time step comparison and validation (pdf)
Ineichen Pierre
Rapport complet, 140 pages, Cuepe, 2007
Satellite Application Facilities irradiance products: hourly time step comparison and validation over Europe (pdf)
Ineichen Pierre
International Journal of Remote Sensing Vol. 30, No. 21, 10 November 2009, 5549–5571
Début - fin
2006-05-01 - 2007-01-01