
Research and research management

Prof. Jean-François STASZAK (UNIGE)

Research interests : cultural geography, tourism and visual studies.

Position within the project: general management, supervision of Laura Saysanavongphet's and Lisa Zanetti's theses, research on World Tours guides and brochures, and on visual devices (cinematographic World Tours).

Contact: jean-francois.staszak(at)

Prof. Odile GANNIER (Univ. Côte d'Azur)

Research interests: history of travel and comparative literature.

Position within the project: supervision of research on Around the World literature, supervisor of Laura Saysanavongphet's thesis on Round the World travelogues.

Contact: Odile.GANNIER(at)

Dr. Raphaël PIERONI (HEAD Genève/UNIGE)

Research interests : cultural geography, tourism and visual studies.

Position within the project : co-directing research on virtual and real world tours; publishing and promoting research.

Contact : raphael.pieroni(at)

Dr. Fabio ROSSINELLI (Swiss Italian University)

Research interests: Swiss history, geographical societies and imperialism.

Position within the project: supervision of research on the archives and collection of Swiss globetrotters, supervisor of Lisa Zanetti's thesis on Emilio Balli's round-the-world trip, research on Swiss globetrotters' trips.

Contact: rossinef(at)

Prof. Vanessa SCHWARTZ (Univ. of Southern California)

Research interests: history of France around 1900, visual studies, history of globalisation.

Position within the project: supervisor of research on visual devices allowing virtual round-the-world tours.

Contact: vschwart(at)

Prof. Sonia FAVI (Univ. Turin)

Research interests: history of Japan, Japanese travels and the development of tourism in Japan.

Position within the project: research on Western globetrotters in Japan.

Contact: sonia.favi(at)