Entreprises formatrices


Groupe Prof. Sugihara


We exploit characterization tools in physics and chemistry (e.g. electrical measurements, atomic force microscopy, spectroscopy techniques) for studying interesting electrical and mechanical properties of cell membranes. It will help with understanding for example how immune system, five senses, and brain function works.


Your tasks:

- Fabrication of lipid, proteins, and polymer samples using different chemistry lab techniques
- Characterization of samples using different spectroscopy, microscopy and electrochemical techniques



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Prof. Kaori Sugihara

tel : +41 22 379 3134

email : kaori.sugihara(at)unige.ch

webpage : http://unige.ch/sciences/chifi/sugiharalab/


Université de Genève - Sciences

Quai Ernest-Ansermet 30

1211 Genève 4, Switzerland