
BioInnovation Day 2023

The BioInnovation Day (BIND) series was initiated in 2006 by Prof. Robert Gurny and Prof. Ann Kato with the support of Unitec. The event is organized alternatively by Unitec or PACTT (the technology transfer office of UNIL/CHUV), and takes place either in Geneva or Lausanne, respectively. The event steering committee is composed of Unitec, PACTT, BioAlps, representatives of the local life sciences incubators, and representatives of the relevant cantonal economy development agencies.

BioInnovation Day (BIND) is a one-day event that offers researchers, scientist-entrepreneurs and start-ups the opportunity to present innovative projects in the life sciences to an audience of peers, industrial partners, investors and service providers.

The 9ᵗʰ edition of BioInnovation Day is organized by PACTT has taken place on May 11ᵗʰ, 2023 in the AGORA building, Lausanne. It featured around 35 project grouped in 4 thematic sessions by start-ups from Western Switzerland and researchers from CHUV, University of Lausanne, HUG, University of Geneva and others.

More information at www.bioinnovationday.ch

If you would like to apply to present your innovation project at a forthcoming BioInnovation Day, please contact your Unitec case manager.