Nos projets
Sustainable Fashion for Geneva?
This report proposes a number of recommendations that could be implemented at the level of the City / Canton of Geneva to help support sustainable fashion initiatives, as part of building circular economy at an urban level. Based on a conceptual approach that takes into account the system dynamics between a landscape, a regime and a niche level, as well as the development of proto-practices in relation to existing unsustainable fashion practices, we have assessed different opportunities for cities to engage. The main areas of focus for future action are as follows:
- Increase visibility of local initiatives around sustainable fashion. This can be achieved, for example, by creating a single online platform to promote these initiatives, by supporting festivals and events focusing on sustainable fashion, or by banning advertising content promoting fast fashion consumption.
- Support synergies among different sustainable fashion initiatives. A slow fashion center in Geneva, in a visible central location (with, for example, subsidized rent or free central location, part-time or full-time paid positions) could be supported by the city and serve as a command post for sustainable fashion initiatives.
- Revive skills in garment repair, maintenance and upcycling through a structured program of upcycling workshops.
- Create a community around sustainable fashion practices. Facilitate the creation of sustainable fashion hot spots in Geneva, or "sustainable fashion houses" that become reference spaces for different alternatives to fast fashion, bringing together a wide variety of players, including producers, consumers, repair professionals, designers, second-hand retailers, exchange associations, etc.
- Deal with growing textile waste at local level - by creating separate collection points, facilities to facilitate sorting, infrastructure for recycling textile fibres, and support for local resale initiatives.
To get more ideas and learn about the experience of Geneva on supporting its local sustainable fashion ecosystem, download the report in English or French. For queries, do not hesitate to reach out to Katia Dayan Vladimirova.
(version française disponible ici)
Responsable du projet à l'Université de Genève | Dre Katia Vladimirova et Professeure Marlyne Sahakian
Période | Mai 2020 - Juillet 2022
Financement | Programme G'innove de la Ville de Genève