Author Bibliography (in progress)

Prisons For Animals (1928)

AUTHOR: Gilman, Charlotte Perkins

Vegetarian and Fruitarian Vol. 27, no. 6  (1 June 1928): 16.
An abbreviated version of this article was published in the same periodical, Vegetarian and Fruitarian, Vol. 29, no. 5,  (1 May 1930): 20.

KEYWORDS: animals, zoos, freedom

Gilman, Charlotte Perkins. Herland

SUMMARY (Deborah Madsen):

In this short magazine article, Gilman contrasts the liberty experienced by wild animals with range of suffering of animals confined in zoos. Spring as a time of rebirth and reawakening provides an emotive context in which Gilman notes the deprivation of the necessities of life in nature (water for an elephant, space in which to run for a deer) and the unnatural elements of a confined environment (like the scent of natural predators in close proximity) to underline the cruelty and perverse pleasure of using animal suffering as a spectacle. She calls for a boycott of all such exhibitions, to discourage the practise of caging animals.


Last updated on March 12th, 2024

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