Author Bibliography (in progress)

Untitled (1843)

AUTHOR: Anon. [Lane, Charles]

PUBLICATION: Untitled. The New Age, Concordium Gazette and Temperance Advocate. Vol. 1, no. 8 (1 August 1843): 75-76.

This document provides a very brief account of the purchase of land for, and first few weeks of, the utopian experiment at Fruitlands.

KEYWORDS: food, land usage, environmentalism, Fruitlands, animals

Alcott, A. Bronson. Journals
Alcott, A. Bronson and Charles Lane. "Fruitlands"
Alcott, Louisa May. “Transcendental Wild Oats
Emerson, Ralph Waldo. “English Reformers”
---. “Farming”
---. “Historic Notes of Life and Letters in New England”
---. Journals
---. “Man the Reformer”
---. “New England Reformers”
---. “The Method of Nature”
Hecker, Isaac Thomas. Questions of the Soul
Lane, Charles. “Brook Farm

SUMMARY (Ridvan Askin, edited Deborah Madsen):

Following the brief introductory remarks, this note quotes Charles Lane's correspondence with his colleagues at Ham Common/Alcott House. Lane is convinced that the purchase of the land for Fruitlands represents a good deal, both economically and in terms of expected yield (wood, nuts, clover, buckwheat, maize, rye, oats, barley, potatoes, beans, peas, melons, squashes, turnips, grass, peat, and sand are explicitly mentioned). He describes the area as being “of a sublime and elevating character” (75). He announces that they will work most of the acreage, but without the use of “animal manures, which in practice I find to be as filthy as in idea.” “The use of them is disgusting in the extreme” (75), he writes. He also reports having been “much plagued, and a little cheated, with the cattle,” having reduced them to “one yoke of oxen” (75). The report ends with the mention of friendly relations between Fruitlands and a neighboring Shaker village.


Last updated on February 9th, 2024

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