
Periodicals Bibliography


The Advocate of Peace and Universal Brotherhood. See The Advocate of Peace.
The Advocate of Peace Through Justice. See The Advocate of Peace.
The Agitator. See The Woman’s Journal.
The Albany Patriot. See The Tocsin of Liberty.
The Albany Weekly Patriot. See The Tocsin of Liberty.
The American Advocate of Peace. See The Advocate of Peace.
The American Advocate of Peace and Arbitration. See The Advocate of Peace.
The American Phrenological Journal and Miscellany. See The American Phrenological Journal.
The American Phrenological Journal and Repository of Science, Literature, and General Intelligence. See The American Phrenological Journal.
The Dietetic Reformer and Vegetarian Messenger. See The Vegetarian Messenger.
Genius of Universal Emancipation. See The Western Citizen.
Genius of Universal Emancipation and Baltimore Courier. See The Western Citizen.
The Genius of Universal Emancipation and Quarterly Anti-Slavery Review. See The Western Citizen.
Good Health: A Journal of Hygiene [Devoted to Physical, Mental and Moral Culture]. See The Health Reformer.
Health: A Home Magazine Devoted to Physical Culture [and Hygiene / Outdoor Life]. See The Water-Cure Journal.
The Herald of Health: Devoted to the Culture of the Body and Mind. See The Herald of Health.
The Herald of Health and Journal of Physical Culture. See The Herald of Health.
The Hygienic Teacher and Water-Cure Journal. See The Water-Cure Journal.
Journal of Hygeio-Therapy.
Journal of Hygiene and Herald of Health. See The Herald of Health.
Liberty Party Paper. See The North Star.
The Medical Missionary and Gospel of Health. See Medical Missionary.
National Suffrage News. See The Woman’s Journal.
New National Era and Citizen. See New National Era.
The Phrenological Journal and Life Illustrated, a Repository of Science, Literature, and General Intelligence. See The American Phrenological Journal.
The Phrenological Journal and Science of Health:An Illustrated Magazine of Human Nature. See The American Phrenological Journal.
The Phrenological Journal and Science of Health. A Repository of Science, Literature, and General Intelligence. See The American Phrenological Journal.
Pioneer and Herald of Freedom. See Herald of Freedom.
The Sanitarian
The Starry Cross. See Journal of Zoöphily.
The Teacher of Health, and the Laws of the Human Constitution. See The Library of Health and Teacher on the Human Constitution.
The Vegetarian Magazine [and Our Fellow Creatures]. See Chicago Vegetarian.
The Water-Cure Journal. See The Herald of Health.
The Water-Cure Journal. A Guide to Health, Devoted to Physiology, Hydropathy, and the Laws of Life. See The Water-Cure Journal [and Herald of Reforms, Devoted to Physiology, Hydropathy and the Laws of Life].
The Woman Citizen. See The Woman’s Journal.
The Woman Voter. See The Woman’s Journal.
The Woman’s Advocate. See The Woman’s Journal.
The Woman’s Journal and Suffrage News. See The Woman’s Journal.



Last updated on May 3rd, 2024

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