Periodicals Bibliography

Our Dumb Animals

Our Dumb Animals. Ed. George T. Angell. Boston: Massachusetts Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, 1868-2002. 135 vols.

The journal focuses on the issues of animal cruelty and animal welfare, most specifically carriage horses, dogs and other pets, birds, and livestock animals (such as the conditions of transport to market, conditions governing slaughterhouses). From April 1970 (Vol. 103 no.4), the name of the journal changed to Animals.

Incomplete collection, Vol. 5-84 (1872– 1951):


Vol. 5-8 (1872-1876)
Vol. 9-14 (1876-1882)
Vol. 20, no. 3 (August 1887)
Vol. 20, no. 12 (May 1888)
Vol. 21, no. 3-12 (August 1888 – May 1889)
Vol. 22, no. 1-6 (June 1889 – December 1889)
Vol. 24-25 (1891-1892)
Vol. 25, no. 8 (1893)
Vol. 41 (1909-1908)
Vol. 43 (1910-1911)
Vol. 44-47 (1911-1915)
Vol. 44 (1911-1912)
Vol. 45 (1912-1913)
Vol. 46 (1913-1914)
Vol. 47 (1914-1915)
Vol. 47, no. 12 (May 1915)
Vol. 48-51 (1915-1919)
Vol. 48 (1915-1916)
Vol. 49 (1916-1917)
Vol. 50-51 (1917-1919)
Vol. 52-53 (1919-1921)

Last updated on April 26th, 2024

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