Periodicals Bibliography

The Shaker Manifesto

The Shaker Manifesto. Edited by Frederick W. Evans (1873-1875), G. A. Lomas (1871-1872), H. C. Blinn (1882-1999). Mount Lebanon Bishopric (1871-1872); The United Society (1873-1899).

"The United Societies of Shakers of America published The Shaker Manifesto as their official monthly periodical from 1871 to 1899 -- though its title changed four times: The Shaker (1871-1872) Shaker and Shakeress (1873-1875) The Shaker (1876-1877) The Shaker Manifesto (1878-1882) The Manifesto (1883-1899)" (

Vol. 1-6 (1871-1876):
Vol. 7-11 (1877-1881)

Vol. 12-14: 11 (Incompl.)(1882-1884):



Last updated on April 26th, 2024

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