Periodicals Bibliography

The Western Citizen

The Western Citizen. Chicago, IL. 1842-1853.

Illinois Digital Newspaper Collections. Available online: 26 July 1842 - 18 October 1853 (518 issues):

Primarily an anti-slavery publication, with a significant interest in Temperance. The Library of Congress notes that the weekly title "Includes supplement titled 'Campaign Western Citizen,' which was published monthly during the presidential election of 1848" (


Preceded by:
Genius of Liberty. Lowell, La Salle County, IL. 1840 - 1842.

Preceded by:
Genius of Universal Emancipation and Baltimore Courier. 1825-1826.

Genius of Universal Emancipation. Ed. Benjamin Lundy & William Lloyd Garrison. 1826-1839.
see also

Continued as:
The Western Citizen and Chicago Weekly Times. 1852 -1853.
Vol. 2 no. 1 (July 26, 1842) - Vol. 11 no. 16 (23 Nov. 1852):


Last updated on April 26th, 2024

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