Eugen Bronasco

I am a Ph.D. student at the University of Geneva under the supervision of Dominique Manchon and Gilles Vilmart.


I am interested in numerical integrators of ordinary differential equations (ODEs) and stochastic differential equations (SDEs), as well as in sampling the invariant measure of Langevin dynamics. My focus is on the combinatorial and algebraic structures associated with these methods.

Specifically, I study the algebraic structures of B-series, including the related Hopf and pre-Lie algebras on trees. Additionally, I explore the extensions known as aromatic and exotic aromatic B-series, along with the corresponding algebraic structures on aromatic and exotic aromatic trees.


Eugen.Bronasco [at]

Eugen Bronasco,
Rue du Conseil-Général 7,
1204 Genève.


  1. E. B., Benedict Leimkuhler, Dominic Phillips, Gilles Vilmart, "Efficient Langevin sampling with position-dependent diffusion", arXiv:2501.02943 (2025).
  2. E. B., Adrien Laurent, "Hopf algebra structures for the backward error analysis of ergodic stochastic differential equations", arXiv:2407.07451 (2024).
  3. E. B., "Exotic B-series and S-series: algebraic structures and order conditions for invariant measure sampling", Found Comput Math (2024).


  1. Arboretum: symbolic package for automatic computation, in collaboration with Jean-Luc Falcone and Gilles Vilmart

Conferences and Seminars

  1. Workshop on Numerical methods for complex high-dimensional systems, July 23 -- 26th 2024, Jervis Bay NSW, Australia.
  2. SciCADE24, July 15 -- 19th 2024, Singapore.
  3. SciCADE24 Summer School, July 8 -- 12th 2024, Singapore.
  4. NUMRAD24 Summer School, June 11 -- 14th 2024, Lausanne, Switzerland.
  5. Constrained Dynamics, Stochastic Numerical Methods and the Modeling of Complex Systems, May 26 -- 31st 2024, Oberwolfach, Germany.
  6. Séminaire GAAO, June 13th 2023, Clermont-Ferrand, France.
  7. Swiss Numerics Day 2023, June 7th 2023, Bern, Switzerland.
  8. Algebraic and Combinatorial Perspectives in the Mathematical Sciences (ACPMS), December 9th 2022, online.
  9. Differential Equations and Numerical Analysis Seminar, September 14th 2022, Trondheim, Norway.
  10. Workshop in Geometry and Geometric integration (Geo2Int), September 7 -- 9th 2022, Bergen, Norway.
  11. International Conference on Scientific Computation and Differential Equations (SciCADE 2022), July 25 -- 29th 2022, Reykjavı́k, Iceland.
  12. 45eme Congrès National d'Analyse Numérique (CANUM 2020+2), June 13 -- 17th 2022, Évian-les-Bains, France.


  1. Using exotic aromatic forests to construct order two scheme for the invariant measure sampling of Langevin dynamics with variable diffusion, NUMRAD24 Summer School, June 11 -- 14th 2024, Lausanne, Switzerland.
  2. Exotic B-series and S-series: algebraic structures and order conditions for invariant measure sampling, SWICCOMAS Poster Competition, February 10th 2023, Lausanne, Switzerland.

Teaching Assistance

  1. Practical sessions of Numerical analysis (UNIGE, 2021 -- 2024).
  2. Mathematical programming laboratory (UNIGE, 2022).
  3. Geometric and stiff numerical methods for differential equations (UNIGE, 2022).