Current Specific Research Projects

Dr. Patricia Cernadas Curotto

Postdoctoral Researcher

Directory details

Institution : University of Geneva
Department : Department of Psychology
Discipline : Psychology
Research field : Compassion training, Emotion Regulation, Sleep, and Conflict Resolution
PI : D. Sander
Thesis topic : Compassion and reappraisal training as interventions to promote conflict resolution


I studied affective and clinical psychology at the University of Geneva, where I completed a PhD in psychology under the supervision of Dr. Olga Klimecki, Prof. Dr. David Sander, and Prof. Dr. Eran Halperin.

During my PhD, I worked on how emotion regulation interventions can promote conflict resolution in different kinds of conflicts. We conducted several studies in a variety of situations, ranging from interpersonal conflicts in romantic couples to intergroup conflicts in Israel. In particular, I focused on how compassion training can help reduce tension in conflict and enhance social connectedness.

I am currently a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Geneva and teach at the Geneva School of Social Sciences.


Media Knowledge Transfer

"Avis d'experts - RTS" PUBLICATIONS

Guerre en Ukraine, séisme en Turquie et en Syrie, collision de train en Grèce… peut-on compatir à tout cela à la fois?

Testing compassion as a new emotion regulation strategy for promoting conflict resolution