Discrete group actions in geometry and topology
Borel Seminar 2014 - Swiss Doctoral Program in Mathematics
Les Diablerets, Switzerland
30 june - 4 July 2014
Conference pictures: Borel1 and Borel2
Organized by: Michelle Bucher (Geneva), Ruth Kellerhals (Fribourg) and John Parker (Durham).
Contact: borel2014@unige.ch
Jeffrey Danciger (Texas) - François Guéritaud (Lille 1) - Fanny Kassel (Lille 1)
Complete constant-curvature spacetimes in dimension 3
Tsachik Gelander (Weizman Institute)
Invariant Random Subgroups in rank one and higher rank Lie groups
Alessandra Iozzi (ETHZ)
Bounded cohomology and rigidity
Misha Kapovich (UC Davis)
Kleinian groups and hyperbolic manifolds
Main speakers
Gérard Besson (Grenoble)
Marc Burger (ETHZ)
Pierre De La Harpe (Genève)
Martin Deraux (Grenoble)
Vincent Emery (EPFL)
Elisha Falbel (Jussieu)
Julien Paupert (Arizona State)
Anna Pratoussevich (Liverpool)
Jean Raimbault (MPIM Bonn)
Andrew Ranicki (Edinburgh)