Les Diablerets, January 8 - January 13, 2017
(deadline for registration: November 27, 2016)
Anton Alekseev (Geneva), "Non-commutative differential calculus and its applications in Lie theory and Poisson geometry"
Jürg Fröhlich (ETH Zurich), "Histories of Events in Quantum Mechanics"
Geoffrey Scott (Toronto), "An introduction to gerbes in classical field theory"
Yuri Tschinkel (NYU Courant Institute, Simons Foundation), Mirimanoff lecture: "Rational and irrational varieties"
short talks by graduate students
Anton Alekseev (UNIGE),
Anton.Alekseev (at) unige.ch
Alberto Cattaneo (UZH),
alberto.cattaneo (at) math.uzh.ch
Giovanni Felder (ETHZ),
felder (at) math.ethz.ch
Maria Podkopaeva (Chebyshev Lab, SPbSU & UNIGE), Maria.Podkopaeva (at) unige.ch
Thomas Strobl (UCBL)
strobl (at) math.univ-lyon1.fr
Andras Szenes (UNIGE),
Andras.Szenes (at) unige.ch
The Swiss university conference
European Research Council