Geneva mathematical physics seminar
Mondays at 4.15pm in room 1.15.
Upcoming seminar:
Monday 18th of November: Nicolas Forien (Paris)Â
 Sandpiles, activated random walks and self-organized criticalityÂ
Abstract: The abelian sandpile model is an elementary system of interacting particles which was suggested by physicists to illustrate the concept of self-organized criticality.
While the algebraic structure of this model enables its study through exact computations, its "constrained" nature leads to some of the predictions of physicists to turn out to be false.
This talk aims to present some recent developments and perspectives on activated random walks and stochastic sandpiles, which emerged as variants of the abelian sandpile model. These variants involve more randomness, and recent results indicate that they may correspond better to the physicists' original intuitions.Â
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