Enseignants et chercheurs post-doctorants

Frowin Rausis

Dr. des. Frowin Rausis



Domaines de recherche

Relations internationales
Politique comparée



Politique d'asile, changement de politique, Union Européenne, organisations internationales.


Bachelor en science politique (BASPO) - Université de Genève - La politique d'asile: Entre intérêts nationaux et normes internationales, Séminaire d'introduction à la science politique, T107009

Master en science politique (MASPO) - Global Studies Institute - Global Migration Governance, Séminaire, J4M183



European Commission, Horizon Europe project "FAiR: Finding Agreement in Return"

Swiss National Science Foundation, nccr – on the move, Project „The Mobility of Migration Policies : Pathways and Consequences of the Diffusion of Migration Policies”

Heures de réception

Sur rendez-vous



RAUSIS, Frowin. Restrictive North versus Permissive South? Revisiting Dominant Narratives on the Evolution of the Refugee Regime. Journal of Immigrant & Refugee Studies, 2023, online first

BLATTER, Joachim, PORTMAN, Lea, RAUSIS, Frowin. Theorizing policy diffusion: From a patchy set of mechanisms to a paradigmatic typology. Journal of European Public Policy, 2022, vol. 29, n° 6

RAUSIS, Frowin. The global spread of safe country policies: Introducing the SACOP dataset. NCCR Working Paper Series, 2022, n° 31

RAUSIS, Frowin, HOFFMEYER-ZLOTNIK, Paula. Contagious policies? Studying national responses to a global pandemic in Europe, Swiss Political Science Review, 2021, vol. 27, n° 2

RAUSIS, Frowin. The Safe Country Policies Dataset (SACOP) [Dataset], Version 1.1, Zenodo, 2022

PICCOLI, Lorenzo, ADER, Leslie, HOFFMEYER-ZLOTNIK, Paula, PEDERSEN, Oliver, PONT, Aurélie, RAUSIS, Frowin, SIDLER, Petra. Mobility and border control in response to the COVID-19 outbreak dataset [Dataset], Cadmus, 2020


Actualité / Média

RAUSIS, Frowin, KREIBICH, Konstantin. Externalising refugee protection: Less a vision than a mirage, The Loop: ECPR's Political Science Blog, 2022

RAUSIS, Frowin. Qatar on the playing field of international politics, The Loop: ECPR's Political Science Blog, 2022