927 mots-clé listés :

π interactions 1 1,1'-binaphthyl-2,2'-dithiol 1 1,2-dioleoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphoethanolamine (DOPE) 1
11B and 1H NMR chemical shifts 1 14N 1 16O3 1
18O3 1 1H 1 2-Pyrone 1
2E state 1 3,5-Di(trifluoromethyl)acetophenone 1 31P 1
31P hyperfine coupling 1 3D oxalate networks 1 3D-QSAR 1
3MLCT 1 4 14-Dimethycholestane 1 57Fe Mössbauer spectroscopy 1
[1,2]-Stevens rearrangement 1 [Co(bpy)3]2+ 1 [Cr(bpy)3]3+ 2
[Cr(ox)3]3− 1 [Cr(ox)3]3- 1 [Cr(ox)3]3– 1
[Fe(bpy)3]2+ 1 [Fe(ptz)6](BF4)2 1 [Ru(bpy)3]2+ 1
Ab initio calculation 1 ab initio calculations 4 ab initio free energies 1
ab initio structure determination 1 absorption 1 absorption spectra 1
Acid effect 1 Activated ketones 1 activation energy 1
Adsorption 1 afterglow 1 Ag+ 1
Alanates 1 alkali metals 1 Alkaline earth fluorides 1
alkaline earth metals 1 alkaline earths 1 Alkanes 1
Alkenes 1 Alkynes 1 all-solid-state lithium-ion batteries 1
allenes 1 AMDIS 1 aminoxyls 1
ammonium 1 amphiphiles 1 amphiphilic brushes 1
anharmonicity 2 anils 1 anisotropic diffraction peak broadening 1
anisotropic ligand fields 1 anisotropy 2 annulenes 1
anomeric 1 anoxic water 1 application 1
arenes 1 argentophilic interactions 1 aromatic compounds 1
aromaticity 5 aromatics 1 artemisinin 1
astrochemistry 1 Asymmetric 1 asymmetric catalysis 2
Asymmetric heterogeneous catalysis 1 Asymmetric hydrogenation 1 asymmetric synthesis 2
atom transfer radical polymerization (ATRP) 1 atom-molecule reactions 1 ATR-FTIR 1
attenuated total reflection 2 azepine 1 azides 1
azocine 1 Ba12F19Cl5 1 Ba2In2O5 1
Ba2Mg3F10 1 BaFBr 2 BaFI 1
BaMgF4:Eu 1 band models 1 barium 2
Barium fluorides 1 barium halides 2 barium periodate 1
barium strontium fluorohalides 1 Bariumfluorochloride 1 basis set 1
basis sets 2 binary compounds 1 BINDING 1
Binding assays 1 biogenic methane 1 biomimetic 1
biomimetic membrane 1 biosensors 1 bis-iminophosphoranes 1
bistability 1 block copolymers 1 blue phosphor 1
bond theory 1 bonding 2 boranils 1
boric acid 1 borohydrides 6 boron 1
boron-hydrogen species 2 bridged compounds (heterocyclic compounds) 1 BSA adsorption 1
CaF2 1 calcium 2 calcium borohydride 1
Calciumfluoride: Samarium 1 capillary electrophoresis 1 carbenes 1
carbenium ions 2 CASPT2 1 catalyst 2
CaTiO3:Pr 1 cation radical 1 cationic surfactant 1
cetylpyridinium bromide 1 charge exchange 1 charge transfer 8
chemical bonds 1 Chemical composition 1 chemical potential 1
chemical pressure 2 chemical reactions 2 chemical shift 1
chemical shifts 1 chemical stability 1 chemisorption 3
chiral anionic surfactant 1 chiral mesoporous silica 1 Chiral polymers 1
chiral resolution 2 chiral surfaces 2 chirality 4
chromium 1 chromium complexes 1 chromium(III)-tris-oxalate 1
Cinchonidine 2 Cinchonine 1 circular dichroism 5
circularly polarized luminescence 1 classical Coulomb energy 1 click chemistry 1
closoboranes 1 cluster 1 cluster calculations 1
cluster compounds 1 co oxidation 1 cobalt 2
Color center absorption bands 1 coloring strength 1 comets: general 1
comparative evaluations 1 complex hydrides 1 computational chemistry 4
computer simulation 1 computer simulations 1 conceptual DFT 1
condensed matter 1 conducting materials 1 configuration determination 1
configuration interactions 2 configurational coordinate 1 configurational stability 1
conformation 2 conformers 1 continuum models 1
controlled release 1 cooperative effects 5 cooperativity 1
coordination bond 1 coordination chemistry 1 coordination modes 1
copper 2 copper peroxide 1 copper superoxide 1
correlation 1 COST 1 coupled cluster calculations 1
Cr(III) 1 Cr-substitution 1 creatine kinase 1
crown ethers 1 cryo-electron microscopy 1 cryptands 1
crystal and ligand fields 1 crystal Field 3 crystal fields 1
crystal growth 4 crystal growth contest 1 crystal structure 16
crystal structures 1 crystallinity 1 crystallography and society 1
cyanide bridging ligand 1 cyclic trimers 1 Cyclic voltammetry 3
cyclometallated ligand complexes 1 database 1 DC(8,9)PC 1
deconvolution 1 delays 1 delocalization 2
denaturation 1 dendrimers 1 density functional 1
density functional calculations 15 density functional method 1 density functional theory 28
DFT 6 DFT calculations 4 DFT on closoboranes 1
diazo compounds 1 dibenzylsquaramide 1 dielectric constant 1
dielectric properties 1 diffraction 1 dinuclear complexes 1
Dioxygen sensors 1 dipyrido[3,2-a:2',3'-c]phenazines 1 directed self-assembly 1
disorder 1 disordered crystals 1 disordered solids 1
disordered structure 1 dissociation energies 1 DNA recognition 1
dodecaborate 1 domain effects 1 donor-acceptor systems 5
Donoreacceptor systems 1 Donor–acceptor compound 1 doping 1
DTA 1 dust, extinction 1 edge channel 1
education 1 eigenvalues and eigenfunctions 1 elasticity 1
electrical conductivity 1 electrically charged ionophore 1 electrochemical impedance spectroscopy 1
electrochemistry 3 electron correlations 1 electron delocalization 1
electron density 2 Electron energy loss spectroscopy (EELS) 1 electron gas 1
electron localization 1 electron localization function 1 electron scattering 1
electron spin resonance 1 electron transfer 4 Electronic spectroscopy 1
electronic states 1 electronic structure 2 electrostatic potentials 1
elpasolite 1 embedding 5 embedding potential 2
embedding theory 1 enantiodiscrimination 1 Enantioselective hydrogenation 2
enantioselectivity 2 encapsulation 1 energy conversion 1
energy migration 2 energy transfer 3 entropy 1
enzyme 1 enzyme models 1 EPR 5
EPR and optical spectroscopy 1 EPR spectroscopy 6 ESCHERICHIA-COLI 1
ESR 1 Ethers of cinchonidine 1 ethyl pyruvate 1
Europium 2 Europium fluorides 1 Exchange interaction 1
exchange-correlation functional 1 exchange-energy functional 1 excitation energies 2
excitation energy hopping 1 excitation energy transfer 1 excited states 3
Experimental study 2 external pressure 1 extrusion 1
f-f transitions 1 Fano resonance 1 fas-solid interface 1
Fe(II) compunds 1 femtochemistry 1 femtosecond laser 1
ferroelectric monodomains 1 FG method 1 fluorescence 5
fluorescence line narrowing 2 fluorescence spectroscopy 1 fluorescence spetcra 1
fluorescent materials 1 fluorescent probes 2 fluoride 1
fluorides 5 fluorination 1 fluoro-halides 1
fluorohalides 2 flux and solid state synthesis 1 fluxes 1
fluxionality 1 four electron systems 1 Fourier transform spectroscopy 1
fragmentation reaction 1 framework materials 1 frozen density functional theory (FDFT) 1
frozen-density 1 frozen-density embedding theory 1 fullerenes 1
Functional coupling 1 f–f transitions 1 Förster transfer 1
gadolinium 1 galactose oxidase 1 GC-CMS 1
general studies of phase transitions 1 gold 5 gold nanoparticles 2
Grignard reagents 1 ground states 1 guest host interaction 1
HAMSTER OVARY CELLS 1 heat capacity 1 heavy fermions 1
helical cation 1 helical structures 6 helicate 1
helicates 1 helicenes 4 heme 1
HEPT 1 heterobimetallic complexes 1 heterocycles 3
heterodinuclear complexes 1 heterometallic 1 Hexagonal Crystal Structure 1
HF calculations 1 hHelicenes 1 high energy density material 1
high energy density material (HEDM) 1 high pressure 4 high pressure lifetime 1
high pressure luminescence 1 high pressures 1 high spin-low spin relaxation 1
high triplet energy 1 high-pressure 1 high-resolution spectroscopy 1
high-speed optical techniques 1 high-spin->low-spin relaxation 1 high-spin->ow-spin relaxation 1
high-spin<->low-spin relaxation 1 historical aspects 1 HIV 1
hole burning 1 homogeneity 1 host-guest systems 2
hybrid quantum mechanical/molecular mechanics (QM/MM) approaches 1 hydride 1 hydrides 5
hydrogen 1 hydrogen absorbing materials 1 hydrogen bonding 3
hydrogen bonds 1 hydrogen desorption under dynamic vacuum 1 hydrogen neutral atoms 1
hydrogen neutral molecules 1 Hydrogen storage 9 Hydrogen storage material 1
hydrogen storage materials 5 hydrogen transfer 2 hydrogen-bonded complexes 1
Hydrogenation 2 hydrolysis 2 hyperconjugation 1
hyperfine structure 2 hysteresis 2 impedance spectroscopy 1
implant 1 impurity absorption spectra 1 in situ experiments 1
in situ spectroscopy 3 in situ XANES 1 incentive science 1
indoline 1 Inelastic X-ray scattering 1 infrared and Raman spectroscopy 2
injection-molding 1 inorganic cluster 1 inorganic compounds 5
inorganic hybrid composites 1 inorganic synthesis 2 insertion 1
instability 1 insulators 1 integer quantum Hall effect 1
intermetallic 2 intermetallic compound 1 intermolecular interactions 2
internal rotation 1 interrnational year of crystallography 2014 1 interstellar hydroxylamine chemistry 1
intersystem crossing 5 Intra cavity laser absorption spectroscopy (ICLAS) 1 intramolecular charge-transfer 1
Inversion of enantioselectivity 1 inverted hexagonal structure 1 ion pairs 1
Ion substitution 1 ionic liquids 1 ionophore-based membranes 1
IR 2 IR frequency shifts 1 IR spectra 1
IR spectroscopy 3 iron 4 iron complexes 3
iron(II) complex 1 Iron(II) complexes 2 iron(II) coordination compounds 2
irreversible phase transition 1 ISM: molecules 1 isomerization 2
Jahn-Teller distortion 1 Jahn-Teller effect 1 Jahn-Teller effects 1
Ketopantolactone 1 keystone mechanism 1 kinetic energy functional 5
kinetic resolution 1 kinetic-energy functional 1 kinetics 2
KSCED 1 L-arginine 1 L-Proline 1
lake Lugano methane 1 lanthanide 2 lanthanides 5
laser 1 laser photoexcitation 1 laser spectroscopy 1
lattice vibrations 1 Le Bail fit 1 lead halides 1
lead periodates 1 LIESST 4 LIESST effect 1
ligand field theory 1 ligand-field 1 ligand-field states 2
ligand-field theory 1 light induced thermal hysteresis 1 linear-response 1
lipid bilayer 1 lipid nanotube 1 lipid nanotubes 2
lipid self-assembly 1 liposomes 2 liquid crystals 2
liquid-crystals 1 lithium sulfides 1 Londo-Hückel 1
low efficiency roll-off 1 low index single crystal surfaces 1 Low Temperature Gel Method 1
luminescence 17 luminescence quenching 1 Luminescence spectroscopy 1
luminescent materials 1 macrocyclic ligands 1 magnesium 1
Magnesium fluorides 1 magnetic impurities 1 magnetic phase transition 1
magnetic properties 4 Magnetic property 1 magnetism 1
magnetization 1 magnetization curves 1 main group elements 1
malaria 1 manganese complexes 2 manganese compounds 1
Manuka honey 1 matrix decomposition 1 matrix isolation 1
MBE 1 measurement by laser beam 1 Mechanism 1
mechanochromic polymer 1 mechanochromism 1 mechanoelastic model 1
melittin 3 membranes 1 metal 1
metal carbenes 1 metal hydrides 2 metal interactions 1
metal-metal interactions 1 metallacycles 1 metalloenzyme catalyzed reaction 1
metallomesogens 1 metastable compounds 1 metastable states 1
metathesis 3 methods: laboratory 1 Mg(BH4)2 1
microfluidic systems 1 mixed-valent compounds 1 models of surface chemical reactions 1
Modifier conformation 1 modulation excitation spectroscopy 1 molecular beam deposition 1
molecular data 1 molecular dynamics 5 molecular dynamics method 1
molecular electronic states 1 molecular magnetism 1 molecular mechanics 1
molecular modeling 1 molecular upconversion 1 Monte Carlo methods 1
Monterey 1 multi pixel photon counter (MPPC) 1 multi-level 1
multi-level simulations 2 multichromophoric systems 1 multiconfigurational SCF theory 1
multiplet structure 1 Mutagenesis, site-directed 1 N ligands 4
N-hydroxyamino 1 N8 isomers 1 nanoarchitecture 1
nanocrystals 3 nanographene 1 nanoparticles 7
nanorods 1 nanostructures 1 nanowires 1
Naphthopyranone 1 near infrared luminescence 1 Near-IR luminescence 1
neodymium 1 neural network 1 neutron diffraction 2
nickel 2 NINO 1 nitrate reductase 1
nitrite 1 nitrogen clusters 1 nitrogen heterocycles 2
NOE 1 non-covalent interactions 1 nonadiabatic multiphonon relaxation 1
nuclear magnetic resonance 1 nuclear spin 1 octahydrotriborate 1
one-dimensional polymer structures 1 ONIOM 1 optical activity 2
optical centre 1 optical hole burning 1 optical materials 1
optical properties 2 Optical property 1 optical sensors 1
optical spectrometers 1 optical spectroscopy 2 optical studies 1
optical waveguide lightmode spectroscopy 1 Optically active materials 1 orbital-free embedding 5
orbital-free embedding theory 1 orbital-free theories 1 orbitals 1
organic 1 organic compounds 3 organic electronics 1
organic fiber 1 organocatalysis 1 organometallic complexes 1
organometallic compounds 1 outreach initiative 1 oxalate networks 3
oxetanes 1 oxonium ylides 1 oxygen vacancies 1
Ozone 1 P ligands 3 Palladium 1
palladium complexes 1 patterning 1 PEPTIDES 2
perovskite 1 persistent luminescence 2 persistent spectral hole burning 1
perturbation theory 3 pH sensing 1 phase transition 3
phase transitions 1 phenol 1 PHOLED 1
phonon-assisted energy transfer 1 Phonons 1 phosphaalkene 2
phosphaallenes 1 phosphaallylic radical 1 phosphinines 1
phosphorus 2 photocatalysis 2 photochemistry 6
photochromism 1 photodegradation 1 photodetectors 1
Photodynamic therapy 1 photoexcitation 1 photography 1
photoinduced bistability 1 photoinduced electron transfer 2 photoluminescence 1
photolysis 1 photomagnetism 1 photophysical effects 1
photophysical properties 4 photophysics 4 photophysics and photochemistry 1
photostability 1 Photostimulated luminescence 1 photoswitching 1
photosynthesis 1 photovoltaics 1 phthalocynanines 1
Physical adsorption 1 physics computing 1 physisorption 2
planar lipid bilayers 1 Platinum 2 pm-irras 1
point defects 1 polarization 1 polarized Raman, hyperpolarizability 1
polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons 1 polydiacetylene 1 polyelectrolyte 1
polyelectrolyte multilayers 1 polyelectrolytes 1 polylactic acid 1
polymers 1 polymers (inorganic) 1 polymorphism 1
polynuclear complexes 2 Polypyridyl ligands 1 Polysiloxanes 1
pore-forming peptide 1 porosity 1 porphycenes 2
positive ions 1 potassium borohydride 1 potassium dihydrogen phosphate 1
probes 1 PROTEIN 1 protein structure 1
proton conductors 1 proton transfer 2 protonation 1
Prussian blue analogue 1 ps range 1 Pt/Al2O3 1
pulsed laser deposition 1 push-pull chromophores 1 Q-switching 1
quadrupolar molecules 1 quantification of aromaticity based on theoretical NMR calculations 1 quantification of aromaticity in a Diels-Alder reaction path using NMR calculations 1
quantum chemical calculations 1 quantum chemical method 1 quantum chemistry 1
quasielastic neutron scattering 1 radiation chemistry 1 radiationless deactivation 1
radical anion 3 radicals 4 Raman 3
Raman and infrared spectroscopy 1 Raman spectroscopy 10 rare earth 1
Rare earth compounds 1 rare-earth doped materials 1 rare-earth elements 2
reaction mechanisms 2 reactive ball milling 1 rearrangements 1
redox chemistry 5 regioselectivity 2 relaxation dynamics 1
resonant and phonon-assisted excitation energy migration 1 resonant energy transfer 1 retention of configuration 1
reverse transcriptase 1 ring contraction 2 Ring-substituted acetophenones 1
rotating magnetic field 1 ruthenium 4 ruthenium complexes 2
Ruthenium(II) complex 1 Ruthenium(II) complexes 1 Ruthenium(II) polypyridyl complexes 1
Rydberg states 1 S ligands 1 salophen 1
samarium 6 sams 1 scaffolds 1
scalar field theory 1 scaling relations 1 SCF calculations 3
school science 1 SEAr 1 self-assembly 7
self-organization in macromolecules 1 Semliki Forest virus system 1 sensors 1
Si/SiGe heterostructure 1 silica 1 silico-aluminate 1
silicon 1 silver 1 single cell manipulation 1
single channel monitoring 1 single exponential decay detector 1 single photon time resolution 1
SiPM 1 size separation 1 Sm2+ 3
SNAr 1 sodium compounds 1 sodium ortho-periodates 1
solid electrolyte 1 solid lasers 1 solid phase microextraction 1
solid phase synthesis 1 solid solution stabilized compound 1 solid solutions 1
solid state structure 1 solid-gas interfaces 1 solid-state electrolytes 1
solutes 1 solution growth 1 solvatation 1
solvation 2 solvation dynamics 1 solvatochromism 2
solvent effects 2 solvent-responsive behavior 1 solvents 1
somatostatin analogue 1 spectral diffusion 2 spectral hole burning 1
spectral line breadth 1 spectral tuning 1 spectroelectrochemistry 1
spectroscopy 3 spectrum assignment 1 spin crossover 18
spin delocalization 1 spin dynamics 1 spin glasses 1
spin labeling 1 spin relaxation 1 spin transition 1
spin-crossover 3 spin-transition 1 spin-transition solid 1
spiro compounds 1 SrAl2O4 1 SrF2 1
SrFBr 2 stereochemistry 1 stereoelectronic 1
stereoelectronic effects 1 stereoselectivity 1 sterically induced torsion 1
Storage phosphor 1 strong vibronic coupling limit 1 strontium 1
strontium compounds 1 structural changes 1 structure elucidation 3
structure refinement 1 structure-property relationship 1 SUBSTANCE-P 1
subsystem quantum mechanics 1 subsystems 1 sulfonylation 1
supported lipid bilayer 1 supported lipid bilayers (SLBs) 1 supramolecular chemistry 1
supramolecular materials 1 Surface chemical reaction 1 surface-initiated ATRP 1
swimming microrobots 1 synchrotron radiation 1 synchrotron X-ray diffraction 1
Synthesis 1 synthetic methods 1 Tachykinin NK1 receptor 1
targeted drug delivery 1 tautomerism 2 TD-DFT 1
TDDFT 1 TDDFT calculations 1 temperature lifetime 1
tensors 1 ternary metal hydrides 1 tetraborate 1
tetrathiafulvalene 4 tetrathiafulvalenes 3 tetrazoles 2
theoretical 13C NMR calculation 1 theoretical calculations 1 theoretical NMR calculations 1
theoretical study 1 thermal stability 1 thermal and light-induced spin crossover 1
thermal desorption 1 thermal oxidation resistance 1 thermodynamic control 1
thermodynamic properties 2 thermodynamics 2 thin films 2
time delay 1 time resolution 1 time-dependent density functional 1
time-domain analysis 1 time-resolved anisotropy 1 time-resolved spectroscopy 3
timing jitter 1 TiO2 1 TiO2, malonic acid 1
TOF-PET 1 torsion effusion vapor pressure measurements 1 total energy bifunctional 1
transient absorption 2 transition metal 1 transition metal complexes 2
transition metal compounds 1 transition moments 1 transition states 3
triazaphenalene 1 trinuclear complexes 1 tripodal ligands 1
TSAR 1 TTF 1 tunnelling 1
Two-photon absorption 1 two-photon spectra 2 two-step spin transition 1
ultrafast methods 1 ultrafast processes 1 ultrafast spectroscopy 3
ultrafast vibrational spectroscopy 1 ultraviolet spectra 1 ultraviolet spectroscopy 1
upconversion 1 upper excited states 1 UV excitation 1
UV/Vis spectroscopy 3 V3+ electronic structure 1 valley splitting 1
van der Waals complexes 1 Vanadium trisoxalate 1 vaporization thermodynamics 1
variational techniques 1 VECTORS 1 vibrational circular dichroism 1
vibrational frequencies 2 vibrational relaxation 1 vibrational spectra 2
vibrational spectroscopy 2 vibronic structure 1 vicarious nucleophilic substitution 1
visible light 1 visible radiation 1 visible spectroscopy 1
water 1 water column 1 water oxidation 1
wave attenuation 1 wave functions 5 weak intermolecular complexes 1
Wulf transition 1 X ray diffraction 1 x-ray crystallography 1
X-ray diffraction 13 X-ray diffraction studies 1 X-ray powder diffraction 1
X-ray single crystal and powder diffraction 1 XRD 2 Yb3+ 1
ylides 2 zero-field splittings 1 zinc 1

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Modif. 6/09/2005    D. Lovy