PHD dissertations from the Physical Chemistry Dept. since 2000

Some recent publications

Ref1: Excited-State Symmetry Breaking and Localization in a Noncentrosymmetric Electron Donor-Acceptor-Donor Molecule Ref2: Excitation-Wavelength-Dependent Photophysics of a Torsionally Disordered Push-Pull Dye Ref3: Core-Alkynylated Fluorescent Flippers: Altered Ultrafast Photophysics to Track Thick Membranes Ref4: Axially-Chiral Boramidine for Detailed (Chir)optical Studies Ref5: Antenna Effect in Noble Metal-Free Dye-Sensitized Photocatalytic Systems Enhances CO2-to-CO Conversion Ref6: Controlling Symmetry-Breaking Charge Separation in Pyrene Bichromophores Ref7: Dye-Sensitized Photocatalysis: Hydrogen Evolution and Alcohol-to-Aldehyde Oxidation without Sacrifical Electron Donor Ref8: Excited-State Symmetry Breaking in Solvent Mixtures Ref9: Photoinduced Electron Transfer between Dipolar Reactants: Solvent and Excitation Wavelength Effects Ref10: Bimolecular Photoinduced Symmetry-Breaking Charge Separation of Perylene in Solution Ref11: Coupling to octahedral tilts in halide perovskite nanocrystals induces phonon-mediated attractive interactions between excitons Ref12: Excited-state symmetry breaking in quadrupolar pull-push-pull molecules: dicyanovinyl vs. cyanophenyl acceptors Ref13: Torsional Disorder, Symmetry Breaking, and the Crystal Violet Shoulder Controversy Ref14: Looking for chiral recognition in photoinduced bimolecular electron transfer using ultrafast spectroscopy Ref15: Experiment and theory reveal similarities and differences between porphycenes substituted at the meso position with amino and nitro groups    Cycle through references
Excited-State Symmetry Breaking and Localization in a Noncentrosymmetric Electron Donor-Acceptor-Donor Molecule
B. Dereka, E. Balanikas, A. Rosspeintner, Z. Li, R. Liska and E. Vauthey

Electronic excitation in quadrupolar conjugated molecules rapidly localizes on a single electron donor–acceptor (DA) branch when in polar environments. The loss of center of inversion upon this excited-state symmetry breaking (ES-SB) can be monitored by exploiting the relaxation of the exclusion rules for IR and Raman vibrational transitions. Here, we compare ES-SB in a right-angled (1) and a centrosymmetric (2) DAD dyes using time-resolved IR spectroscopy. We show that the localization of the excitation can also be identified with the bent molecule 1. We find that contrary to dye 2, subpopulations with localized and delocalized excitation coexist for 1 in weak to medium polar solvents. This difference originates from the torsional disorder present in the excited state of 1 but not of 2. Additionally, irreversible localization in a bent molecule is shown to require higher solvent polarity than in a centrosymmetric one.

Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 15 , 2024 , p8280 -8286

Selection of publications from the Physical Chemistry Dept. (1585)

By group :

Group Bürgi  Atom feed    Group Hauser  Atom feed    Group Vauthey  Atom feed    Group Hagemann  Atom feed Group Wesolowski  Atom feed Group Sugihara  Atom feed
Alumni : Group Gagliardi Group Geoffroy Group Gülaçar
  Group Weber Group Bill Group Lucken

By date :

2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2020-2024 Authors 2020-2024
2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2015-2019 Authors 2015-2019
2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2010-2014 Authors 2010-2014
2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2005-2009 Authors 2005-2009
2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2000-2004 Authors 2000-2004
1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 1995-1999 Authors 1995-1999
1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1990-1994 Authors 1990-1994
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 Last modified 05/10/2017    D. Lovy