Meeting in the context of the current situation in Ukraine

13 Jun 2022 | Virtual Event

Deeply shocked by the Russian military intervention in Ukraine and its devastating consequences on the populations concerned, the University of Geneva condemns this massive violation of international law. It fully associates itself with the appeal launched by swissuniversities to European governments to protect the lives and careers of people affiliated to the universities, students, researchers, as well as the entire Ukrainian population. At the same time, the universities are showing a lot of solidarity with the students and researchers affected by the war and numerous measures of support have been taken.

In the framework of the swissuniversitites P7 project, the Uni4Refugees project would like to invite you to an informal online meeting on the support measures of the Universities on Monday 13 June 2022, from 12:15 to 13:00.

Zoom link

The exchange is aimed at project collaborators from the French-speaking part of Switzerland who are in charge of the coordination of measures at the operational level.
The aims of the exchange meeting are :

  • An inventory of the different initiatives of the universities
  • To identify the needs for coordination between the universities

Please do not hesitate to forward this message to any person interested in working with researchers and students affected by the conflict in Ukraine.