University Refugee Forum 2023

12 Dec 2023 | Geneva

Academic Integration: restoration and recovery perspectives

With the University Refugee Forum, the project Uni4Refugees wants to highlight the challenges that refugees face regarding the rebuilding of national institutions and structures in their countries, and discuss sustainable solutions.

Indeed, in countries like Turkey, Afghanistan and Ukraine, scholars and students recently faced the destruction of many state institutions, including higher education institutions. The forum will explore the role of academic structures in refugee integration as education acts as a powerful catalyst for change, opening doors to new opportunities and enabling individuals to unlock their full potential. Resilience and recovering play an important part of refugee integration and we will tackle these thematics while also taking into account the reshaping of local communities.

Linked-event to the Global Refugee Forum, organized by the UNHCR, which will take place on December 13th-15th 2023 at Palexpo in Geneva, Switzerland.

Date: 12 December 2023, from 4 to 7:30 pm

Venue: Les Salons, rue Jean-F. Bartholoni 6, 1204 Genève, Room Le Théâtre
This event will also be available online on Zoom.

Registration closed.

This event is also be available online :
Meeting ID : 890 4243 5592
Secret code : 905697



16:00        Welcome

16:10        Introduction

16:40       Key-note: Switzerland's commitment to higher education

17:00       Key-note: Politics, exile and training

17:30       Break

17:45       InZone's podcast hearing session: how our students see their future (Focus on Azraq's refugee camp in Jordan)

Introduction to InZone projects and refugee camps COS

18:30       Academic Integration: Researchers and teachers' point of views on recovery and re-building

Moderated by Chantal Marquart, Project Manager Global Welcome, University of Zürich

19:15       Conclusion in plenary and final words from Stefanie Gonzalez

19:30       Cocktail