Help and training
The Library offers training sessions in order to help you mastering information literacy skills according to your profile. These activities are guided by the User Training Policy of the Library of the University of Geneva (only in French).
In order to offer a quality training to the whole UNIGE community, the Library integrates some of its courses into the curriculum of bachelor, master or continuing education studies and uses a framework (only in French) to set its objectives.
For in-person or customized training, please contact our team or our Help and training service.
The Rendez-vous de l'info scientifique is a free program of training in information literacy skills. They are open to all, UNIGE members or external participants, upon registration. If you are a researcher at the UNIGE, these sessions are ideal to keep you up to date with current practices in the management of scientific data and information.
Access the details of the sessions planned for each theme:
Methodology of documents retrieval
Tools for information retrieval
Bibliography, citation, plagiarism
Open Access and publication
Research Data
Are you a student?
Depending on your field of study, it is likely that information skills training sessions will be integrated into your curriculum. Select the appropriate page for more information:
Are you a teacher?
Does your course involve a literature review, bibliographic research or require access to scientific articles, statistics or other sources of information? Do you want to make your students aware of good citation practices to avoid plagiarism? If so, consider working with a librarian to enrich your course!
Check out our training catalog (only in French) and contact us to arrange a meeting to discuss your students' needs in detail.
Furthermore, to consolidate your own practices, follow our Rendez-vous de l'info scientifique and improve your management of scientific information and research data (see above).
In order to set up the training courses integrated into the Bachelor and Master's curricula, the Library has a framework of the information literacy skills (only in French) that students need to achieve their objectives during their studies. On this page (only in French), you can check which skills are teached by the Library in each of the different Bachelors and Masters programs.

Learn valuable lessons by watching videos of Anna and Fred, two slightly offbeat UNIGE students.

Help swisscovery UNIGE
Looking for help to use swisscovery UNIGE?
Browse our how-to guides and tutorials or find help here (only in French).