Enseignant-es et collaborateur-trices

Sedooka, Ayuko

Dre. Ayuko Berchtold-Sedooka

Collaboratrice de recherche

+41 27 205 7314

Ayuko Berchtold-Sedooka (Ph.D) is Senior Research Associate at the Inter- and Transdisciplinarity Unit, Centre for Children’s Rights Studies, at the University of Geneva. She is also a scientific collaborator at the University of Teacher Education Valais, in Switzerland.

Her international & intercultural background: She holds a Bachelor degree of Arts in Education from Sophia University in Japan and another bachelor, a master degree and a PhD in Sciences of Education from the University of Paris Descartes - Sorbonne, in France.



Her research and teaching activities lie at the intersection and intercultural dialogue between educational sciences and the field of children’s rights. Her research activities focus on interdisciplinary perspectives and several themes in the field of education: Child Participation as a Children’s Right, Research with Child-Expert, Individualism in the Japanese Primary School, Studies of Hikikomori (social withdrawal of children and young people) and Anthropology of Education. In particular, her research design is based on analyzing the practices and the stories of particular actor’s experiences (children, families, teachers, etc.) in their own words. 

Within an interdisciplinary research team she is working on several SNSF (the Swiss National Science Foundation) projects : « Exploring the way to and from school with children: an interdisciplinary approach of children’s experiences of the third place. »; « Sociology of child-actor. Participative Capability in organized leisure »; « Analyzing Interdisciplinary Research from Theory to Practice: Case Studies in the Swiss University Context ».


Main Publications

  • Moody, Z., Darbellay, F., Jaffé, Ph.D., Camponovo, S. & Berchtold-Sedooka, A. (2018). Le chemin de l’école comme tiers-lieu. Enjeux pédagogiques (The way to and from school as a third place. Pedagogical issues), Revue de la Haute école pédagogique de Berne, Jura, Neuchâtel, 30, 15-16.
  • Darbellay F., Sedooka A. & Paulsen T. (2016). La recherche interdisciplinaire sous la loupe – Paroles de chercheurs – (Interdisciplinary research under the microscope - Researchers' voices), PETER LANG.
  • Sedooka A., Steffen G., Paulsen T. & Darbellay F. (2015). Paradoxe identitaire et interdisciplinarité: un regard sur les identités disciplinaires des chercheurs. (Identity paradox and interdisciplinarity: a perspective on the disciplinary identities of researchers). Natures Sciences Sociétés-Recherches et débats interdisciplinaires-.
  • Steffen G., Sedooka A., Paulsen T. & Darbellay F. (2015). Pratiques langagières et plurilinguisme dans la recherche interdisciplinaire: d’une perspective mono à une perspective pluri. (Language practices and plurilingualism in interdisciplinary research: from a mono to a pluri perspective). Questions de communication.
  • Darbellay F., Moody Z., Sedooka A. & Steffen G. (2014). Interdisciplinary Research Boosted by Serendipity. Creativity Research Journal, 26 (1),1-10.
  • Furuhashi, T., Tsuda H., Ogawa T., Suzuki K., Shimizu M., Teruyama J., Horiguchi S., Shimizu K., Sedooka A., Figueiredo C, Pionnié-Dax N., Tajan N., Velluth N., Fansten M. & Castel P.-H. (2012). État des lieux, points communs et différences entre des jeunes adultes retirants sociaux -Hikikomori- en France et au Japon (Overview, similarities and differences between young adults with social withdrawal in France and Japan). L’évolution psychiatrique, 78, (2), 249-266.
  • Sedooka, A. (2011). Diversité d’expression de soi dans des récits écrits par les enfants japonais. (Diversity of self-expression in stories written by Japanese children). Penser l’Education, 29, 152-173.
  • Archambault, J.-P., Sedooka, A., & Baron, G.-L. (2010). Le genre et le logiciel libre. (Gender and Free Software). Epinet, 128. [en ligne] http://www.epi.asso.fr/revue/articles/a1010h.html
  • Sedooka, A. (2005). Teaching history under the French Third Republic - Comparative study: elementary school and junior, senior high school. The Japanese Journal of Child Education, 12, 18-27.
  • Sedooka, A. (2001). The Present Situation of France viewed in Education: Make an Issue of Early Childhood Education in France. The Japanese Journal of Child Education, 8, 63-65.


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