van Daalen, Edward

Edward van Daalen
Doctorant FNS
+41 27 205 73 10
Edward van Daalen is a PhD researcher in law at the Centre for Children’s rights Studies (CCRS) of the University of Geneva since March 2015. Within an interdisciplinary research group, he is working on the FNS project ‘Living Rights in Translations: An interdisciplinary approach of working children's rights’ which focuses on the trajectories and translations of working children’s rights.
In his thesis, he explores the relationship between third world resistance and international law, using empirical findings on the role and resistance of working children’s movements in the development of international child labour law.
He is currently a visiting researcher at the Sciences Po Law School in Paris.
Publications (peer reviewed)
Van Daalen, E. & Mabillard, N. (2018) Human Rights in Translation: Bolivia’s Law 548, Working Children’s Movements and the Global Child Labour Regime. International Journal of Human Rights (forthcoming).
Van Daalen, E. & Hanson, K. (2018) The ILO’s Shifts in Child Labour Policy: Regulation and Abolition. International Development Policy (forthcoming).
Van Daalen, E., Hanson, K., & Nieuwenhuys, O. (2016). Children’s Rights as Living Rights: The case of street children and a new law in Yogyakarta, Indonesia. The International Journal of Children’s Rights, 24(4), 803–825.
Van Daalen, E. (2015) Kinderrechten als levende rechten: Tussen beleving en wetgeving in Indonesië en Bolivia. Tijdschrift voor Jeugd en Kindderrechten, 15, 234–246