Enseignant-es et collaborateur-trices

Lakatos, Özlem

Özlem Lakatos

Collaboratrice scientifique

+41 (0) 27 205 73 24
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Scientific Collaborator
Center for Children's Rights Studies, University of Geneva
PhD Candidate, Social Sciences
Institute of Gender Studies, University of Geneva 

Özlem Lakatos is a Scientific Collaborator at the Center for Children's Rights Studies of the University of Geneva. Since September 2017, she has been working alongside Professor Philip D. Jaffé , a Member of the United Nations Committee on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC). 

Her primary activities include research, teaching, supervising master’s students’ academic work, and coordinating an annual 4-week seminar on Child Abuse and Violence.She also acts as an advisor for master students, helping them find internships in the field of children’s rights. 

She co-founded the association “ 30 Ans de Droits de l’Enfant ” with Prof. Philip D. Jaffé and Dr. hc Jean Zermatten, a former Member of the UNCRC (2005-2013). The association was established to coordinate international celebrations marking the 30th anniversary of the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) in 2019. 

She is pursuing a PhD in Social Sciences at the Institute of Gender Studies , University of Geneva, focusing on the international rights of girls, intersecting women’s and children’s rights. Using a gender and postcolonial approach, she studies the construction of the category “girl-s”, both historically and analytically. 


Özlem is a social scientist with an interdisciplinary background oriented towards international affairs and human rights. She attended universities in France, Canada, Switzerland, and Belgium. She studied law and political science at the University of Amiens (Bachelor / Licence in 2013) and at the University of Moncton (Master / Maîtrise with honors in 2014), followed by European and Global studies at the University of Geneva and the Université Libre de Bruxelles (Master of Arts in 2016). During her studies, she worked for her universities as a Student Ambassador (France), a Teaching Assistant in Political Science (Canada), and a French Language Assistant for Erasmus students (Belgium). 

Prior to joining the University of Geneva in 2017, first as a Research & Training Assistant and then as a Scientific Collaborator, she worked in several institutions such as the UN, the Council of Europe, the International Organization of La Francophonie (OIF), and the French Ministry of Defense (DGRIS / Sub-Saharan Africa Division). She volunteered in several children’s rights-related projects with NGOs in Senegal, the United Kingdom, and Bulgaria. She also served as a Former Youth Counselor of the City of Amiens (2012-2014) and of the Region of Hauts-de-France (2011-2015), and she is a Global Shaper Alumni - an initiative of the World Economic Forum (WEF).


Research interests

  • Girls’ Rights, Children’s rights, Women’s Rights.
  • UN Human Rights System
  • Concepts of intersectionality & vulnerabilities 
  • Gender and postcolonial studies
  • Foucault’s Archaeological and Genealogical Methodologies
  • Qualitative methods (archives, interviews, observations) 

Ongoing PhD Research

Universal Category, Specific Rights? From the Rights of the Child to the Rights of “Girls” at the United Nations (1989- today)


Presentations taught in different master’s programs of CIDE/UNIGE; FAPSE/UNIGE; University of Basel. 

  • Introduction to Children Rights 
  • Children Rights History (1924-1989)
  • Children and Gender Based Violence (GBV) 
  • Gender and intersectionality
  • Methodologies in social sciences 

Assisted in the following courses:

  • Juvenile Justice, Dr.hc Jean Zermatten (2017-2019)
  • Psychology and Children’s Rights, Prof. Philip Jaffé (2017-2023)
  • Violences and Mistreatment Against Children, Prof. Philip Jaffé (2019-2024)



Jaffé, Ph.D., Zermatten, J. & Lakatos, Ö (2023). Government, Policy and the Role of the State in Childhood (Switzerland). Bloomsbury Education and Childhood Studies. Bloomsbury Academic, London. 

Lakatos, Ö., & Jaffé, Ph. D. (2021). Childrenʼs Rights and Womenʼs Rights: Convergence and Complementarity. Womenʹs Rights and Childrenʹs Rights : Towards an integrated approach in Development Cooperation, 12-26Genève, Suisse :Enfants du Monde and University of Geneva. 

Lakatos, Ö., & Jaffé, Ph. D. (2021). Les droits de l’enfant et les droits des femmes : convergence et complémentarité. Droits des femmes et droits des enfants : Vers une approche intégrée dans la coopération au développement, 12-26. Genève, Suisse :Enfants du Monde et Université de Genève.

Jaffé, Ph.D. et Lakatos, Ö. (2019). Children marching towards total participation. Dans J. Zermatten et Ph.D. Jaffé (dir.), 30 ans de droits de l'enfant : un nouvel élan pour l'humanité ! (p. 114-123). Genève, Suisse : Association 30 ans de droits de l’enfant.



Lakatos, Ö. (2024). The genealogy of the girl category at the United Nations. 10th PhD Symposium of the Children’s Rights European Academic Network (CREAN). University of Stockholm, Sweden.  

Lakatos, Ö. (2024). Revisiting the Trajectory of Girl's Education in the International Agenda: Empowerment or Instrumentalization? CREAN Conference “Collaborative Research in Children Rights”. Campus Biotech, Geneva. 

Lakatos, Ö. (2023). The girl-child icons in the international arena. 14th Annual Conference of the Society for the Study of Childhood in the past (SSCIP) “Valuing Children: Past and Present”. Université de Alcalá, Alcalá de Henares, Madrid, Spain.  

Lakatos, Ö. (2023). Introduction de ma thèse, Séminaire des doctorantes de l’Institut des Études Genre, SDS, Université de Genève, Crêt Berard, Puidoux.

Lakatos Ö. (2023). Commentaire de la présentation : La gestation pour autrui sous l’angle des droits humains, en particulier des droits sexuels et reproductifs de Vanessa Ndoumbe Kotto, Séminaire de recherche « Droits, Enfants, Familles », Faculté de droit Université de Genève, Campus en Valais, Sion.

Lakatos, Ö.(2022). The girl-child icons in the international arena. 14th Annual Conference of the Society for the Study of Childhood in the past (SSCIP) “Valuing Children: Past and Present”. Université de Alcalá, Alcalá de Henares, Madrid, Spain. 

Lakatos, Ö. (2022).The social construction of the girl-child at the UN: from victim to advocate for change (1989-2019). Mid-Term Conference of the Sociology of Children and Childhood of the European Sociological Association (ESA), UHI Inverness College, Scotland, United Kingdom. 

Lakatos, Ö. (2021). Les droits des « filles » au Comité des droits de l’enfant : une incursion dans les archives de l’Organisations des Nations unies à Genève (ONUG), Séminaire de recherche « Droits, Enfants, Familles », Faculté de droit, Université de Genève (en ligne).

Lakatos, Ö. (2021). Les filles dans l'agenda international : processus, acteurs et enjeux, Séminaire des doctorantes de l’Institut des Études Genre, SDS, Université de Genève (en ligne).  

Lakatos, Ö. (2020). Droits de l’enfant et droits des femmes, convergences et tensions, Séminaire des doctorantes de l’Institut des Etudes Genre, SDS, Université de Genève (en ligne)

Lakatos, Ö, (2019). Gender and Children Rights, 7th Children’s Rights Research Symposium, CREAN conference, University of Liverpool, UK.

Lakatos, Ö. (2019). Intersectionality and International Human Rights Law: The Case of the Girl-Child, International Conference on Gender Studies of the London Centre for Interdisciplinary Research, University of Cambridge, UK.



Jaffé, Ph.D., Lakatos, Ö., Langenegger Roux, N, Moody, Z, Nanchen, Ch., &. Zermatten, J. (2022). Les droits de l’enfant à l’ère digitale. Actes du Colloque. 83 pages. Centre interfacultaire en droits de l’enfant, UNIGE, Sion.

Jaffé, Ph.D, Lakatos, Ö., Zermatten, J., Langenegger Roux, N., Nanchen, Ch., & Moody, Z (2020). Droits de l’enfants et croyances religieuses : autonomie, éducation, tradition. Actes du 10e Colloque du Centre interfacultaire en droits de l’enfant de l’Université de Genève, UNIGE : Sion.

Jaffé, Ph.D., Zermatten, J., Langenegger Roux, N., Lakatos, Ö., Nanchen, Ch., & Moody, Z. (2019). Pour mieux protéger les enfants en Suisse: Interdire les châtiments corporels! Actes du Colloque. 129 pages. Centre interfacultaire en droits de l’enfant, UNIGE, Sion.

Hoefflin, G.,Jaffé, Ph.D. & Lakatos, Ö. (2018). Le chemin de vie et les droits de l’enfant handicapé. 62 pages. Actes du 9e Colloque du Centre interfacultaire en droits de l’enfant de l’Université de Genève, UNIGE: Sion.

Jaffé, Ph.D., Hitz, N., Zermatten, J., Langenegger Roux, N., Lakatos, Ö., Nanchen, Ch., Riva Gapany, P., & Moody, Z. (2018). Les droits de l’enfant en situations de migration en Suisse: Protection, Prestations, Participation. 170 pages. Actes du 8e Colloque du Centre interfacultaire en droits de l’enfant de l’Université de Genève, UNIGE: Sion. 


Scientific Committees & Working Groups

Co-organizer, in collaboration with the NGO Enfants du Monde of the working group on Women Rights and Children Rights in Development cooperation (2019-2021) : 

  • Conferences (University of Geneva, 2019 ; United Nations in Geneva, 2019; online, 2021); 
  • Publication (2021).

Organizing committee member of international conferences of the Center for Children Rights Studies of UNIGE, HEP-VS and HES-SO (Bern, 2018 ; Geneva, 2019 ; Online, 2021; Online, 2022; Sierre, 2024) :

Judge of the Inter-University Debate Competition of The Hague, Corax Foundation (since 2022) 

Masterclass Organization

  • (2024) « Rôle et doctrine du Comité des droits de l'enfant », Prof. Hynd Ayoubi-Idrissi, University of Geneva. 
  • (2024) « Le droit à la vie privée des enfants »avec M. Éric Delemar, Défenseur des enfants en France, University of Geneva. 
  • (2024) « Les enfants dans les conflits armés : l'urgence de mieux protéger leurs droits » avec M. Michel Anglade, Directeur et Représentant aux Nations Unies du Bureau de Save the Children Genève, University of Geneva.
  • (2023)« Construire une politique publique de protection des enfants imprégnée des droits de l'enfant » with Mrs. Marie Derain de Vaucresson, Inspector of Justice and former Children’s Ombudsman (France), University of Geneva. 
  • (2022) Discourse Analysis in Social Sciences, Doctoral program in Political science of the Conférence Universitaire de Suisse Occidentale (CUSO), University of Geneva, Valais Campus, Sion. 
  • (2022) « Réparer l’irréparable ? Le défi de la Commission reconnaissance et réparation sur les violences sexuelles » with Mr. Pierre Hazan, Commissioner in the Recognition and Reparation Commission for Victims of Sexual Violence Committed by Members of Catholic Religious Institutes in France, University of Geneva. 





  • Institute of Gender Studies, University of Geneva 
  • Swiss Association for Gender Studies (SAGS) 
  • Réseau professionnel romand Genre et Jeunesse 


  • European Sociological Association (ESA) 
  • Academic Council on the United Nations System (ACUNS) 
  • Child Rights Early Career Researcher Network 
  • Youth Climate Justice Research Network 
  • History of International Organizations Network (HION)

Corps des collaborateur-trice-s de l'enseignement et de la recherche