Competence Centers

Education and Inspiration


What we do

We believe that entrepreneurship cannot be taught in traditional classroom settings. Through hands-on entrepreneurial activities, we aim to spark curiosity, promote a deeper understanding of concepts, and ultimately inspire and empower our students to pursue entrepreneurial endeavors with confidence.

Courses for Bachelor students:

Courses for Master students:

Post-graduate courses for PhD students and young professionals:

Institutional Projects:

  • Sustainable Finance Hackathon (for GSEM Bachelor and MRM Master students)
  • GEW Best Idea competition (for GSEM Bachelor students)

Talks and workshops:

  • We give talks and workshops for different audiences on topics around responsible entrepreneurship.

Entrepreneurialization of other courses:

  • We offer entrepreneurship content to complement other courses at UNIGE, serve as jury members in pitches, and support colleagues in giving their courses an entrepreneurial spin.

How you can get involved

Sign up for one of our existing offers. 

Can’t find what you’re looking for or have ideas for further courses or institutional projects in the area of responsible entrepreneurship? Want us to give a session for your organization or at your event? Wondering how to integrate entrepreneurship into your courses at UNIGE?

Get in touch with us! Contact gsem-grec(at)

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