
Luigi Solari Lecture

In memory of Luigi Solari, the Institute of Economics and Econometrics (IEE) organizes an annual public lecture in economics and econometrics.

Professor Luigi Solari (1932-1977) was a pioneer in introducing research in econometrics in Switzerland. As a Professor at the University of Geneva since 1964, he was the first to teach this discipline in Switzerland. In 1966, he created a research center for econometrics at the Faculty of Economic and Social Sciences, which later became the Department of Econometrics, and then the Institute of Economics and Econometrics (IEE).

This conference has featured many distinguished economists and econometricians as guest speakers, including Nobel laureates Esther Duflo, Jean Tirole, Bengt Holmström, Jan Tinbergen, Richard Stone, and Robert Engle.


Previous LUIGI Solari Lectures


Esther Duflo (Nobel Prize in Economic Sciences 2019, Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
Good Economics for Warmer Times

Jaya Krishnakumar (University of Geneva - Farewell lecture)
A Tale of Many Friendships: When Econometrics met Human Development

Jean Tirole (Nobel Prize in Economic Sciences 2014, Toulouse School of Economics)
The Common Good after Covid

Bengt Holmström (Nobel Prize in Economic Sciences 2016, MIT Economics)
New forms of organization viewed through the lens of contract theory

Jeffrey M. Wooldridge (Michigan State University)
Regression Adjustment and Doubly Robust Estimators for Experimental and Observational Studies

Rosa Matzkin (UCLA ECON, Department of Economics) 
On the Observability of Unobservables
Aureo De Paula (University College London, Department of Economics)
Identifying and Estimating Connections

Stéphane Bonhomme (University of Chicago, Department of Economics) 
Dimension Reduction and Unobserved Heterogeneity

Manuel Arellano (CEMFI Madrid, Past President of the Econometric Society) 
Quantile Response and Panel Data

Hashem Pesaran (University of Southern California, and Emeritus Professor, University of Cambridge) 
Opportunities and Challenges in the Analysis of Large Data Sets 

Daniel Royer (Université de Genève - Farewell lecture)
J'ai plus appris d'économie au cours de macro qu'au cours de math

Robert F. Engle (Nobel Prize in Economic Sciences 2003, and University of New York)
European Systemic RisK

Anthony Shorrocks (Director, Global Economic Perspectives)
The Level and Distribution of Household Wealth from a Global Perspective

Alberto Holly (University of Lausanne)
Distributions asymétriques et à longue queue : pourquoi s'en préoccuper ? Comment les prendre en compte dans les modèles économétriques ? Exemples en économie de la santé

2009 to 1979

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