

Grid view

  • Photo
    Michele PELLIZZARI

    Full Professor
    Institute of Economics and Econometrics

    Director, Institute of Economics and Econometrics

    Ph.D., London School of Economics

    Michele PELLIZZARI

    Uni Mail - 5260
    +41 22 379 89 15

  • Photo
    Céline CARRÈRE

    Full Professor
    Institute of Economics and Econometrics

    Ph.D., Centre d'études et recherches sur le développement international (CERDI)

    Céline CARRÈRE

    Uni Mail - 5264
    +41 22 379 82 83

  • Photo
    Giacomo DE GIORGI

    Full Professor
    Institute of Economics and Econometrics

    Ph.D., University College London

    Giacomo DE GIORGI

    Uni Mail - 5258
    +41 22 379 82 30

  • Photo
    Salvatore DI FALCO

    Vice Dean for Research and Faculty Affairs

    Full Professor
    Institute of Economics and Econometrics

    Ph.D., University of York

    Salvatore DI FALCO

    Uni Mail - 5272
    +41 22 379 82 79

  • Photo
    Giovanni FERRO-LUZZI

    Associate Professor
    Institute of Economics and Econometrics

    Director, Institute of Applied Research in Economics and Management

    Ph.D., University of Geneva

    Giovanni FERRO-LUZZI

    Uni Mail - 3325
    +41 22 379 89 01

  • Photo
    Jérémy LUCCHETTI

    Associate Professor
    Institute of Economics and Econometrics

    Ph.D., HEC Montréal

    Jérémy LUCCHETTI

    Uni Mail - 5268
    +41 22 379 82 81

  • Photo
    Monika MRÁZOVÁ

    Full Professor
    Institute of Economics and Econometrics

    Ph.D., University of Oxford

    Monika MRÁZOVÁ

    Uni Mail - 5262
    +41 22 379 98 65

  • Photo
    Tobias MUELLER

    Associate Professor
    Institute of Economics and Econometrics

    Ph.D., University of Geneva

    Tobias MUELLER

    Uni Mail - 5242
    +41 22 379 82 38

  • Photo
    Marcelo OLARREAGA

    Full Professor
    Institute of Economics and Econometrics

    Ph.D., University of Geneva

    Marcelo OLARREAGA

    Uni Mail - 3276
    +41 22 379 82 86

  • Photo
    Frédéric ROBERT-NICOUD

    Full Professor
    Institute of Economics and Econometrics

    Ph.D., London School of Economics

    Frédéric ROBERT-NICOUD

    Uni Mail - 5266
    +41 22 379 82 82

  • Photo
    Federica SBERGAMI

    Senior Lecturer
    Institute of Economics and Econometrics

    Ph.D., Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies

    Federica SBERGAMI

    Uni Mail - 5267
    +41 22 379 82 72

  • Photo
    Stefan SPERLICH

    Full Professor
    Research Institute for Statistics and Information Science

    Director, Research Institute for Statistics and Information Science

    Ph.D., Humboldt University of Berlin

    Stefan SPERLICH

    Uni Mail - 5235
    +41 22 379 82 23

  • Photo
    Matthieu STIGLER

    Assistant Professor
    Institute of Economics and Econometrics

    Ph.D., Unversity of California

    Matthieu STIGLER

    Uni Mail - 5252
    +41 22 379 92 36

  • Photo
    Aleksey TETENOV

    Full Professor
    Institute of Economics and Econometrics

    Ph.D., Northwestern University

    Aleksey TETENOV

    Uni Mail - 5256
    +41 22 379 05 75

List view

  • PELLIZZARI Michele

    Full Professor
    Institute of Economics and Econometrics

    Director, Institute of Economics and Econometrics

    Ph.D., London School of Economics

    Uni Mail - 5260

  • CARRÈRE Céline

    Full Professor
    Institute of Economics and Econometrics

    Ph.D., Centre d'études et recherches sur le développement international (CERDI)

    Uni Mail - 5264

  • DE GIORGI Giacomo

    Full Professor
    Institute of Economics and Econometrics

    Ph.D., University College London

    Uni Mail - 5258

  • DI FALCO Salvatore

    Vice Dean for Research and Faculty Affairs

    Full Professor
    Institute of Economics and Econometrics

    Ph.D., University of York

    Uni Mail - 5272

  • FERRO-LUZZI Giovanni

    Associate Professor
    Institute of Economics and Econometrics

    Director, Institute of Applied Research in Economics and Management

    Ph.D., University of Geneva

    Uni Mail - 3325

  • LUCCHETTI Jérémy

    Associate Professor
    Institute of Economics and Econometrics

    Ph.D., HEC Montréal

    Uni Mail - 5268

  • MRÁZOVÁ Monika

    Full Professor
    Institute of Economics and Econometrics

    Ph.D., University of Oxford

    Uni Mail - 5262

  • MUELLER Tobias

    Associate Professor
    Institute of Economics and Econometrics

    Ph.D., University of Geneva

    Uni Mail - 5242

  • OLARREAGA Marcelo

    Full Professor
    Institute of Economics and Econometrics

    Ph.D., University of Geneva

    Uni Mail - 3276

  • ROBERT-NICOUD Frédéric

    Full Professor
    Institute of Economics and Econometrics

    Ph.D., London School of Economics

    Uni Mail - 5266

  • SBERGAMI Federica

    Senior Lecturer
    Institute of Economics and Econometrics

    Ph.D., Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies

    Uni Mail - 5267

  • SPERLICH Stefan

    Full Professor
    Research Institute for Statistics and Information Science

    Director, Research Institute for Statistics and Information Science

    Ph.D., Humboldt University of Berlin

    Uni Mail - 5235

  • STIGLER Matthieu

    Assistant Professor
    Institute of Economics and Econometrics

    Ph.D., Unversity of California
    Uni Mail - 5252

  • TETENOV Aleksey

    Full Professor
    Institute of Economics and Econometrics

    Ph.D., Northwestern University

    Uni Mail - 5256



Grid view

  • Photo
    Theresa BELTRAMO

    Academic Fellow
    Institute of Economics and Econometrics

    Ph.D., Ca' Foscari University of Venice

    Theresa BELTRAMO
  • Photo
    Daniele CURZI

    Lecturer (Ph.D.)
    Institute of Economics and Econometrics

    Ph.D., University of Milan

    Daniele CURZI
  • Photo
    Julien DAUBANES

    Lecturer (Ph.D.)
    Institute of Economics and Econometrics

    Ph.D., Toulouse School of Economics

    Julien DAUBANES

    Uni Mail - 5252
    +41 22 379 09 38

  • Photo
    Julien FORBAT

    Institute of Economics and Econometrics

    Ph.D., University of Geneva

    Julien FORBAT

    Uni Mail - 5224
    +41 22 379 81 78

  • Photo
    Ludovic GAUDARD

    Institute of Economics and Econometrics

    Ph.D., University of Geneva

    Ludovic GAUDARD
  • Photo
    Yagan HAZARD

    Institute of Economics and Econometrics

    Ph.D., Paris School of Economics

    Yagan HAZARD
  • Photo

    Postdoctoral Researcher
    Institute of Economics and Econometrics

    Ph.D., University of Wisconsin–Madison


    Uni Mail - 5259
    +41 22 379 81 06

  • Photo

    Research Associate
    Institute of Economics and Econometrics

  • Photo
    Davide PIETROBON

    Lecturer (Ph.D.)
    Institute of Economics and Econometrics

    Ph.D., Barcelona Graduate School of Economics

    Davide PIETROBON

    +41 22 379 82 75

  • Photo
    Andrea SALVATI

    Research Associate
    Institute of Economics and Econometrics

    Ph.D., Rice University

    Andrea SALVATI

    Uni Mail - 5259
    +41 22 379 09 38

  • Photo
    Julian SCHÄRER

    Postdoctoral Researcher
    Institute of Economics and Econometrics

    Ph.D., University of Zürich

    Julian SCHÄRER

    Uni Mail - 5257
    +41 22 379 95 92

  • Photo
    Rasha SHAKRA

    Postdoctoral Researcher
    Institute of Economics and Econometrics

    Rasha SHAKRA
  • Photo
    Jean-Marc SOLLEDER

    Postdoctoral Researcher
    Institute of Economics and Econometrics

    Ph.D., University of Geneva

    Jean-Marc SOLLEDER

    Uni Mail - 5297
    +41 22 379 90 89

  • Photo
    Grigorios SPANOS

    Lecturer (Ph.D.)
    Institute of Economics and Econometrics

    Ph.D., University of Toronto

    Grigorios SPANOS
  • Photo
    Octavian STRIMBU

    Lecturer (Ph.D.)
    Institute of Economics and Econometrics

    Ph.D., Laval University

    Octavian STRIMBU
  • Photo
    Joël Robert TERSCHUUR

    Postdoctoral Researcher
    Institute of Economics and Economics

    Joël Robert TERSCHUUR

    Uni Mail - 5257
    +41 22 379 11 08

  • Photo
    Riccardo TREZZI

    Lecturer (Ph.D.)
    Institute of Economics and Econometrics

    Ph.D., University of Cambridge

    Riccardo TREZZI

List view

  • BELTRAMO Theresa

    Academic Fellow
    Institute of Economics and Econometrics

    Ph.D., Ca' Foscari University of Venice

  • CURZI Daniele

    Lecturer (Ph.D.)
    Institute of Economics and Econometrics

    Ph.D., University of Milan

  • DAUBANES Julien

    Lecturer (Ph.D.)
    Institute of Economics and Econometrics

    Ph.D., Toulouse School of Economics

    Uni Mail - 5252

  • FORBAT Julien

    Institute of Economics and Econometrics

    Ph.D., University of Geneva

    Uni Mail - 5224

  • GAUDARD Ludovic

    Institute of Economics and Econometrics

    Ph.D., University of Geneva

  • HAZARD Yagan

    Institute of Economics and Econometrics

    Ph.D., Paris School of Economics


    Postdoctoral Researcher
    Institute of Economics and Econometrics

    Ph.D., University of Wisconsin–Madison

    Uni Mail - 5259


    Research Associate
    Institute of Economics and Econometrics

  • PIETROBON Davide

    Lecturer (Ph.D.)
    Institute of Economics and Econometrics

    Ph.D., Barcelona Graduate School of Economics

  • SALVATI Andrea

    Research Associate
    Institute of Economics and Econometrics

    Ph.D., Rice University

    Uni Mail - 5259

  • SCHÄRER Julian

    Postdoctoral Researcher
    Institute of Economics and Econometrics

    Ph.D., University of Zürich

    Uni Mail - 5257

  • SHAKRA Rasha

    Postdoctoral Researcher
    Institute of Economics and Econometrics

  • SOLLEDER Jean-Marc

    Postdoctoral Researcher
    Institute of Economics and Econometrics

    Ph.D., University of Geneva
    Uni Mail - 5297

  • SPANOS Grigorios

    Lecturer (Ph.D.)
    Institute of Economics and Econometrics

    Ph.D., University of Toronto

  • STRIMBU Octavian

    Lecturer (Ph.D.)
    Institute of Economics and Econometrics

    Ph.D., Laval University

  • TERSCHUUR Joël Robert

    Postdoctoral Researcher
    Institute of Economics and Economics

    Uni Mail - 5257

  • TREZZI Riccardo

    Lecturer (Ph.D.)
    Institute of Economics and Econometrics

    Ph.D., University of Cambridge


ph.d. students

Grid view

  • Photo
    Monika AVILA

    Ph.D. Student and Teaching Assistant
    Institute of Economics and Econometrics

    Monika AVILA

    SIP 10, Office 4H6
    +41 22 379 37 44

  • Photo

    Ph.D. Student and Teaching Assistant
    Institute of Economics and Econometrics

  • Photo
    Pietro CAMPA

    Ph.D. Student and Teaching Assistant
    Institute of Economics and Econometrics

    Pietro CAMPA

    Uni Mail - 5281
    +41 22 379 81 34

  • Photo
    Cecilia CARVALHO

    Ph.D. Student
    Institute of Economics and Econometrics

    Cecilia CARVALHO
  • Photo
    Gilles CATTANI

    Ph.D. Student and Teaching Assistant
    Institute of Economics and Econometrics

    Gilles CATTANI
  • Photo
    Mengjia CHEN

    Ph.D. Student and Teaching Assistant
    Institute of Economics and Econometrics

    Mengjia CHEN

    Uni Mail - 5261
    +41 22 379 81 40

  • Photo
    Utsoree DAS

    Ph.D. Student and Teaching Assistant
    Institute of Economics and Econometrics

    Utsoree DAS

    Uni Mail - 5293
    +41 22 379 90 94

  • Photo
    Alessandro FABBRI

    Ph.D. Student and Teaching Assistant
    Institute of Economics and Econometrics

    Alessandro FABBRI

    Uni Mail - 5287
    +41 22 379 96 68

  • Photo

    Ph.D. Student and Teaching Assistant
    Institute of Economics and Econometrics


    Uni Mail - 5289
    +41 22 379 82 67

  • Photo
    Morgane GARCIA

    Ph.D. Student
    Institute of Economics and Econometrics

    Morgane GARCIA
  • Photo
    Flavio GUITIAN

    Ph.D. Student and Teaching Assistant
    Institute of Economics and Econometrics

    Flavio GUITIAN
  • Photo
    Jiancheng GUO

    Ph.D. Student and Teaching Assistant
    Institute of Economics and Econometrics

    Jiancheng GUO

    Uni Mail - 5293
    +41 22 379 89 89

  • Photo

    Ph.D. Student and Teaching Assistant
    Institute of Economics and Econometrics


    Uni Mail - 5295
    +41 22 379 90 91

  • Photo
    Chen JIANG

    Ph.D. Student and Teaching Assistant
    Institute of Economics and Econometrics

    Chen JIANG

    Uni Mail - 5225
    +41 22 379 82 18

  • Photo
    Dzmitry KNIAHIN

    Ph.D. Student
    Institute of Economics and Econometrics

    Dzmitry KNIAHIN
  • Photo
    Rafaël LAZEGA

    Ph.D. Student and Teaching Assistant
    Institute of Economics and Econometrics

    Rafaël LAZEGA
  • Photo
    Ferdinand LOESSL

    Ph.D. Student and Teaching Assistant
    Institute of Economics and Econometrics

    Ferdinand LOESSL

    Uni Mail - 5257
    +41 22 379 89 07

  • Photo
    Trang LUU

    Ph.D. Student and Teaching Assistant
    Institute of Economics and Econometrics

    Trang LUU

    Uni Mail - 5261
    +41 22 379 96 68

  • Photo
    Gary LYNAM

    Ph.D. Student and Teaching Assistant
    Institute of Economics and Econometrics

    Gary LYNAM
  • Photo
    Souparna MAJI

    Ph.D. Student and Teaching Assistant
    Institute of Economics and Econometrics

    Souparna MAJI

    Uni Mail - 5283
    +41 22 379 82 70

  • Photo
    Lorena MITA

    Ph.D. Student and Teaching Assistant
    Institute of Economics and Management

    Lorena MITA

    Uni Mail - 5295
    +41 22 379 88 20

  • Photo
    Pritam SAHA

    Ph.D. Student and Teaching Assistant
    Institute of Economics and Econometrics

    Pritam SAHA

    Uni Mail - 5265
    +41 22 379 81 37

  • Photo
    Dawit SEBHATU

    Ph.D. Student and Teaching Assistant
    Institute of Economics and Econometrics

    Dawit SEBHATU

    Uni Mail - 5291

  • Photo
    Fulvio SILVY

    Ph.D. Student and Teaching Assistant
    Institute of Economics and Econometrics

    Fulvio SILVY

    Uni Mail - 5281
    +41 22 379 82 73

  • Photo
    Andrea TUGNOLI

    Ph.D. Student and Teaching Assistant
    Institute of Economics and Econometrics

    Andrea TUGNOLI

    Uni Mail - 5293
    +41 22 379 90 97

  • Photo
    Antoine VOELKI

    Ph.D. Student and Teaching Assistant
    Institute of Economics and Econometrics

    Antoine VOELKI
  • Photo
    Michaël WEGMUELLER

    Ph.D. Student
    Institute of Economics and Econometrics

    Michaël WEGMUELLER

List view

  • AVILA Monika

    Ph.D. Student and Teaching Assistant
    Institute of Economics and Econometrics

    SIP 10, Office 4H6


    Ph.D. Student and Teaching Assistant
    Institute of Economics and Econometrics

  • CAMPA Pietro

    Ph.D. Student and Teaching Assistant
    Institute of Economics and Econometrics

    Uni Mail - 5281

  • CARVALHO Cecilia

    Ph.D. Student
    Institute of Economics and Econometrics

  • CATTANI Gilles

    Ph.D. Student and Teaching Assistant
    Institute of Economics and Econometrics

  • CHEN Mengjia

    Ph.D. Student and Teaching Assistant
    Institute of Economics and Econometrics
    Uni Mail - 5261

  • DAS Utsoree

    Ph.D. Student and Teaching Assistant
    Institute of Economics and Econometrics

    Uni Mail - 5293

  • FABBRI Alessandro

    Ph.D. Student and Teaching Assistant
    Institute of Economics and Econometrics
    Uni Mail - 5287


    Ph.D. Student and Teaching Assistant
    Institute of Economics and Econometrics
    Uni Mail - 5289

  • GARCIA Morgane

    Ph.D. Student
    Institute of Economics and Econometrics

  • GUITIAN Flavio

    Ph.D. Student and Teaching Assistant
    Institute of Economics and Econometrics

  • GUO Jiancheng

    Ph.D. Student and Teaching Assistant
    Institute of Economics and Econometrics

    Uni Mail - 5293


    Ph.D. Student and Teaching Assistant
    Institute of Economics and Econometrics
    Uni Mail - 5295

  • JIANG Chen

    Ph.D. Student and Teaching Assistant
    Institute of Economics and Econometrics

    Uni Mail - 5225

  • KNIAHIN Dzmitry

    Ph.D. Student
    Institute of Economics and Econometrics

  • LAZEGA Rafaël

    Ph.D. Student and Teaching Assistant
    Institute of Economics and Econometrics

  • LOESSL Ferdinand

    Ph.D. Student and Teaching Assistant
    Institute of Economics and Econometrics

    Uni Mail - 5257

  • LUU Trang

    Ph.D. Student and Teaching Assistant
    Institute of Economics and Econometrics

    Uni Mail - 5261

  • LYNAM Gary

    Ph.D. Student and Teaching Assistant
    Institute of Economics and Econometrics

  • MAJI Souparna

    Ph.D. Student and Teaching Assistant
    Institute of Economics and Econometrics

    Uni Mail - 5283

  • MITA Lorena

    Ph.D. Student and Teaching Assistant
    Institute of Economics and Management
    Uni Mail - 5295

  • SAHA Pritam

    Ph.D. Student and Teaching Assistant
    Institute of Economics and Econometrics

    Uni Mail - 5265

  • SEBHATU Dawit

    Ph.D. Student and Teaching Assistant
    Institute of Economics and Econometrics

    Uni Mail - 5291

  • SILVY Fulvio

    Ph.D. Student and Teaching Assistant
    Institute of Economics and Econometrics

    Uni Mail - 5281

  • TUGNOLI Andrea

    Ph.D. Student and Teaching Assistant
    Institute of Economics and Econometrics

    Uni Mail - 5293

  • VOELKI Antoine

    Ph.D. Student and Teaching Assistant
    Institute of Economics and Econometrics

  • WEGMUELLER Michaël

    Ph.D. Student
    Institute of Economics and Econometrics


Students of the IEE HONORS PROGRAM

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