
Markus MENZ


Full Professor
Institute of Management

Director, Geneva Center for Corporate Governance

Ph.D., University of St. Gallen

Uni Mail - 3276
+41 22 379 81 28

Short bio

Markus Menz is Vice Dean for Development, Professor of Strategic Management, and an Academic Director of the Executive MBA Program at the Geneva School of Economics and Management, University of Geneva. From 2009 to 2015, he was an Assistant Professor at the University of St. Gallen, where he received the overall University’s Credit Suisse Award for Best Teaching 2015. He was also the Founding Executive Director of the Master’s Program in Business Management, a program that grew under his leadership to more than 400 students. Previously, he spent a year as a Visiting Fellow at Harvard University. Before his academic career, he worked in consulting, investment banking, and marketing. He received his Habilitation, Ph.D. (summa cum laude), and M.A. from the University of St. Gallen.

Markus Menz’s research focuses on strategic leadership, corporate strategy, and organization design, particularly chief strategy officers, top management team structures, and corporate headquarters. An expert on strategy processes in complex organizations, he has led an annual study of the chief strategy officers and strategy functions of the 500 largest European companies since 2011. His work has been published in leading journals, including the Academy of Management Annals, Strategic Management Journal, Journal of Management, Strategic Organization, Global Strategy Journal, and International Journal of Management Reviews. He co-authored a book on strategic initiatives and programs and co-edited a book on mergers and acquisitions. For his academic activities, he received several distinctions and scholarships, for example, by the Swiss National Science Foundation. He is the Scientific Advisor of the St. Gallen Symposium’s Wings of Excellence Award and an Editorial Board Member of Long Range Planning.


Research & publications

Kunisch, S., Menz, M., & Cannella, A. A. Jr. 2017. The CEO as a Key Micro-Foundation of Global Strategy: Task Demands, CEO Origin, and the CEO’s International Background. Forthcoming in Global Strategy Journal, 1-41.

Menz, M. & Barnbeck, F. 2017. Determinants and Consequences of Corporate Development and Strategy Function Size. Forthcoming in Strategic Organization, 1-23.

Menz, M., Kunisch, S., & Collis, D. J. 2015. The Corporate Headquarters in the Contemporary Corporation: Advancing a Multimarket Firm Perspective. Academy of Management Annals, 9(1), 633-714.

Kunisch, S., Menz, M., & Ambos, B. 2015. Changes at Corporate Headquarters: Review, Integration and Research Agenda. International Journal of Management Reviews, 17(3), 356-381.

Menz, M. & Scheef, C. 2014. Chief Strategy Officers: Contingency Analysis of their Presence in Top Management Teams. Strategic Management Journal, 35(3), 461-471.

Menz, M. 2012. Functional Top Management Team Members: A Review, Synthesis, and Research Agenda. Journal of Management,38(1), 45-80.


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