Bernard Baertschi |
The Argument of Ethical Naturalism |
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Jonathan Barnes |
Frege's New Language |
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Arianna Betti |
The Naming of Facts |
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Philipp Blum |
Connectives, prenectives
and dishonoured cheques of metaphysical explanation |
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Andrea Bottani |
Two Problems for Resemblance Nominalism |
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Ingar Brinck (with Göran Hermerén,
Johannes Persson and Nils-Eric Sahlin) |
Why Metaphysicians Do Not Explain |
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Clotilde Calabi |
The Blurred Hen |
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Paola Cantù |
Bolzano versus Kant: Mathematics as Scientia Universalis |
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Roberto Casati |
Numerals and Word Sequences |
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Elena Casetta (with Giuliano Torrengo) |
Paradoxalis cookbook |
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Laurent Cesalli |
M&Ms — Mentally Mediated Meanings |
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Francis Cheneval |
Cosmopolitanism, Endless History, and Game Theory |
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François Clementz |
Internal, Formal and Thin Relations |
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Fabrice Correia |
From Grounding to Truth-Making: Some Thoughts |
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Damiano Costa |
Temporal Parts and Spatial Location |
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Tim Crane |
Wittgenstein on Intentionality and Mental Representation |
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Alain de Libera |
Le direct et l'oblique: sur quelques aspects antiques et médiévaux de
la théorie brentanienne des relatifs |
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Julien Deonna (with Bence Nanay) |
Simulation vs. Theory-Theory: A Plea for an Epistemological Turn |
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Jérôme Dokic |
Mental Simulation and the Reification of Beliefs |
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Pascal Engel |
L'avenir du crétinisme |
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Michael Esfeld |
Science and Metaphysics: the Case of Quantum Physics |
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Denis Fisette |
Austrian Philosophy and its Institutions: Remarks on the Philosophical Society of the University of Vienna (1888–1938) |
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Amanda Garcia |
K.M. : Tollendo Tollens |
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Manuel García-Carpintero |
Constitutive vs. Normative Accounts of Speech and Mental Acts |
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Philip Gerrans |
Singular Thoughts, Seeing Doubles and Delusional Misidentification |
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Richard Glauser |
Locke and the Problem of Weakness of the Will |
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Göran Hermerén (with Ingar Brinck,
Johannes Persson and Nils-Eric Sahlin) |
Why Metaphysicians Do Not Explain |
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Herbert Hochberg |
The Facts of Tropes |
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Ingvar Johansson |
All Relations are Internal |
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Anita Konzelmann Ziv |
Knowledge, Emotion, Value and Inner Normativity: KEVIN Probes Collective Persons |
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Wolfgang Künne |
Über Lügner, ‘Lügner’ und harmlosen Selbstbezug: Bolzano vs. Savonarola und die Geschichte einer Antinomie |
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Roberta Lanfredini |
The Mind-Body Problem in Husserl and Merleau-Ponty |
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Jessica Leech |
Formal Objects and the Argument from Knowledge |
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Keith Lehrer (with Joseph Tolliver) |
Tropes and Truth |
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Paolo Leonardi |
Predication |
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Pierre Livet |
Fundamental Ontology and Ontology of Epistemic Processes |
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Patrizia Lombardo |
Literature and the Emotions: Hazlitt, Stendhal |
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Fraser MacBride |
The Transcendental Metaphysic of G.F. Stout: His Defence and
elaboration of trope theory |
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Diego Marconi |
Three Easy Points on Relative Truth |
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Mathieu Marion |
Wittgenstein on Heidegger and Cosmic Emotions |
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Uwe Meixner |
Causal Equivalence as a Basis for the Specification of Neural Correlates |
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Jean-Maurice Monnoyer |
Le dogme de la vérité selon Parménide |
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Carlos Moya |
Alternatives and Responsibility: an Asymmetrical Approach |
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Bence Nanay (with Julien Deonna) |
Simulation vs. Theory-Theory: A Plea for an Epistemological Turn |
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Martine Nida-Rümelin |
Basic Intentionality, Primitive Awareness and Awareness of Oneself |
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Melika Ouelbani |
Wittgenstein, ses prédécesseurs et ses contemporains |
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Alfredo Paternoster |
Reconstructing (Phenomenal) Consciousness |
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Johannes Persson (with Ingar Brinck,
Göran Hermerén and Nils-Eric Sahlin) |
Why Metaphysicians Do Not Explain |
[ abstract ]
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Wlodek Rabinowicz |
Value Relations — Old Wine in New Barrels |
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Anne Reboul |
Live Metaphors |
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François Recanati |
Mental Files and Identity |
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Luigi Rizzi |
Syntactic Cartography and the Syntacticisation of Scope-discourse Semantics |
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Toni Rønnow-Rasmussen |
For Kevin's Sake |
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Nils-Eric Sahlin (with Ingar Brinck,
Göran Hermerén and Johannes Persson) |
Why Metaphysicians Do Not Explain |
[ abstract ]
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Marco Santambrogio |
Did ‘Madagascar’ Undergo a Change in Referent? |
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Benjamin Schnieder |
Counting the Colours |
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Daniel Schulthess |
Bergson, Truth-making, and the Retrograde Movement of the True |
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Jan Sebestik |
Bolzano's Lehrjahre |
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Peter Simons |
Winnowing Wittgenstein: What’s Worth Salvaging from the Wreck of the Tractatus |
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Barry Smith |
Austrian and Hungarian Philosophy: On the Logic of Wittgenstein and Pauler |
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Johannes Stern |
The Truth on Predicates and Connectives |
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Göran Sundholm |
The Vocabulary of Epistemology, with Observations on Some Surprising Shortcomings of the English Language |
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Christine Tappolet |
The Normativity of Evaluative Concepts |
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Fabrice Teroni |
The Epistemological Disunity of Memory |
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Emma Tieffenbach |
The Sounds of Institutional Facts |
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Cain Todd |
Imaginative Acceptance and Attending Emotionally to Fiction |
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Joseph Tolliver (with Keith Lehrer) |
Tropes and Truth |
[ abstract ]
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Giuliano Torrengo (with Elena Casetta) |
Paradoxalis cookbook |
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Maria van der Schaar |
Mere Belief and the Etiolations of Language |
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Achille C. Varzi |
Because |
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Íngrid Vendrell Ferran |
La noción de valor en la filosofía de Meinong |
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Alberto Voltolini |
How Picture Perception Defies Cognitive Impenetrability |
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Jan Wolenski |
Truth-makers and convention T |
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