The department of clinical neurosciences is composed of the divisions of neurology, neurosurgery, neurorehabilitation, ophthalmology and ENT (ear-nose-throat). Research activities are rich and manifold. Most are in connection with the treated diseases, such as, epilepsy, brain tumors, and difficulties of hearing, vision, memory, or movement. There are multiple collaborations with basic neurosciences and the research groups newly installed at Campus Biotech.
Research Groups by Clinical DivisioN
Division of Neurosurgery
Division of Ophtalmology
Division of ENT and Head-and-Neck Surgery
Sensory Neuroprostheses for the Restitution of Hearing and Balance
Pascal Senn
Inner Ear and Olfaction Lab
Division of Neuroreeducation
Adrian Guggisberg
Neurorehabilitation & Neuromodulation
Brain Damage and Spatial Attention
Armin Schnider
Amnesia: Memory and Confabulation
Division of Neurology
Multiple Sclerosis, Neuroimmunology, Experimental Autoimmune Encephalitis
Serge Vulliémoz
Epilepsy and Brain Networks