
An interrupt is a signal that tells the CPU to interrupt execution of the current program and to call a special subroutine: the ISR (interrupt service routine). Once the ISR returns, execution of the current program will resume where it was. This is extremely usefull for many reasons: you can automatically perform a task at given intervals, or you can have a peripheral asking for the attention of the CPU. The alternative is for the CPU to constantly check all peripherals to see if one of them needs attention, obviously a very inneficient way (however, that's how the TI-99/4A scans the keyboard. Wouldn't it be nice if the keyboard could send interrupts just like a PC? More on this later).

The TMS9900 accepts two kind of interrupts:16 different maskable interrupts that are signaled by activating the INTREQ* pin (and whose number is expected on the IC0-IC3 pins) and a single non-maskable interrupt signalled by the LOAD* pin.

Non-maskable interrupt
Triggering LOAD*
Service routine

Maskable interrupts
In the TI-99/4A

Interrupt service routine
Peripheral interrupts
VDP interrupts
__Quit key
__Blank screen
__ISR hook
Timer interrupts

Non-maskable, LOAD* interrupt

When the LOAD* line becomes active (low) the TMS9900 executes the equivalent of a BLWP @>FFFC, i.e. it fetches a new workspace pointer at >FFFC, saves the old workspace, program counter and status in the new R13, R14 and R15 respectively, then branches to the address found in >FFFE. Since >FFFC-FFFE are in the high memory expansion, we can place any vectors we want in there.

Activating the LOAD* line

This line is present in the side-port of the TI-99/4A, on pin #13 (7th from the right, at the bottom of the connector when looking inside the console). However, the flex cable connector does not carry this signal to the PE-Box. If we want to use it we must intercept it at the level of the connector.

I have a mouse (WiPo mouse 99) that works according to this principle: a small printed circuit board is placed inbetween the side port and the flex cable. The circuitery on it drives power from the side port and issues non-maskable interrupts when the mouse is moved. A piece of cable cable feeds all remaining informations (which way did it move, wich buttons are down) to the joystick port.

You can easily build a small circuit to connect the LOAD* pin to the ground and trigger non-maskable interrupts. However, make sure your circuit is a "one-shot", since interrupts will be issued as long as pin #13 is low. That kind of interrupt is called "level-triggered" as opposed to "edge-triggered" (an interrupt that would only occur when the pin changes from high to low).

The main advantage of level trigerred interrupts, apart from being less sensitive to transients (i.e. noise), is that several devices can share the same interrupt line. Suppose a first device brings the line down but, before the ISR cleared the interrupt and brought the line up again, another interrupt occurs. Once the ISR is done with the first interrupts and clears it, the line stays down which triggered a new interrupt (it wouldn't with level-triggering since the line does not change from high to low, which is the triggering event). Of course, there is another side to that coin...

Unmaskable interrupt service routine (UISR)

The drag with an unmaskable interrupt (especially level triggered) is that another interrupt could occur before we have processed the current one. We may thus run into two problems when the UISR is entered for the second time:

  1. Wherever we saved the return address, it will now be overwritten by a new return address (pointing inside the UISR itself). Thus the UISR will never return to the main program.
  2. Re-entering the UISR before its completion is likely to mess up all variables used by the first instance of it.

Here is a simple, but imperfect solution:

* Unmaskable interrupt service routine
UISR MOV @NEWWR,@>FFFC Change workspace for futur interrupts
MOV @NEWPC,@>FFFE Change PC: now points at RTWP
LWPI UREGS1 In case we-retered after line 1
... Handle interrupt
INSTAL MOV @UISRPC,@>FFFE Restore pointer to UISR entry point
MOV @UISRWR,@>FFFC Restore workspace
TORTWP RTWP Resume program execution
UISRPC DATA UISR                 Address of UISR
NEWWR DATA UREGS2 Alternate workspace: provides one level of recurence
* This routine installs the UISR hook

See how it works? The first MOV instruction changes the workspace to be used in case of a new interrupt. This way, the return values are perfectly safe: no interrupt will occur before this first instruction is completed. And after that, new return values will be saved in R13-R15 of workspace UREGS2, thus won't overwrite those in UREGS1.

This solves problem 1, but what about problem 2 (re-entrancy)? The second MOV instruction takes care of it: all subsequent interrupts will transfer control to a RTWP instruction, that return immediately to where we were in the UISR. Of course an interrupt could occur in between the first two MOV instructions, but we don't care: this will just repeat the first MOV, which is fine. We just have to make sure we've got the right workspace: the LWPI UREGS1 instruction takes care of that.

Things are a bit more tricky at the end of the routine, when we must restore the two vectors. If an interrupt occurs after we have restored >FFFE we will repeat the whole UISR from the beginning. This may or may not be OK, depending on what we are doing inside this routine. If however an interrupt occurs between the second MOV and the RTWP, the return address will be overwritten and our UISR will loop forever!

I struggled with this problem for quite a time before a found a solution. It's fairly intricate, so study it carefully.

* Unmaskable interrupts service routine  Version 2
UISR MOV @NEWWR,@>FFFC Change workspace for futur interrupts
MOV @NEWPC,@>FFFE Change PC: now points at RTWP
CI R13,UREGS2 Check for rentrancy
JEQ ENDUI We came from the end point (before TORTWP)
CI R13,UREGS3 Double re-entrancy (after ENDUI + after UISR)
JEQ TORTWP Return from the second one
CI R13,UREGS1 From next instruction after UISR or after ENDUI
JNE UIOK From outside UISR: no re-entrancy
CI R14,ENDUI We re-entered, but from where?
JL TORTWP From line 2, just after we changed >FFFC
JMP ENDUI From ENDUI, after we changed >FFFC or >FFFE

UIOK MOV R13,@UREGS2+26 OK, we did not re-enter
MOV R14,@UREGS2+28 Save return parameters in R13-R15 of UREGS2
MOV R15,@UREGS2+30

* ... Do what we want to do in this UISR

MOV @OLDUWR,R13 (Optional) Link to previously installed UISR
BLWP @OLDUWR Call previously installed UISR

ENDUI MOV @UISRPC,@>FFFE Restore pointer to UISR entry point
MOV @UISRWR,@>FFFC Restore initial UISR workspace
LWPI UREGS2 Switch to worskspace that contains saved values
TORTWP RTWP Return to caller
UISRWR DATA UREGS1               Normal workspace for UISR
NEWWR DATA UREGS3 Alternate workspace, if re-entered

OLDUWR DATA 0 To save WS of previous UISR, if any
OLDUPC DATA 0 To save PC of previous UISR

UREGS1 BSS 6 Regular UISR worskpace
UREGS2 BSS 6 Worskpace used to save R13-R15
UREGS3 BSS 32 Alternate worksapce (uses only R13-R15)

* These routines install the UISR vectors in memory

LINKUI DATA UREGS2,LNK0 Check is another one is here, link to it

LNK0 CLR @OLDUWR Flag: no link to previous UISR
MOV @>FFFC,R1 Get current UISR worskpace
C R1,@UISRWR Is it ours?
JEQ ENDUI Yes: don't link
CI R1,>2000 Check if valid
JL ENDUI A workspace can't be in ROM
CI R1,>8400
CI R1,>A000
JL ENDUI Can't be in mapped area either
SRL R1,1
JOC ENDUI Shouldn't be an uneven address
LNK1 MOV @>FFFE,R1 Get current UISR vector
C R1,@UISRPC Is it our UISR?
JEQ ENDUI Yes: then don't link
CI R1,>8400 Check if valid
CI R1,>A000
JL ENDUI Can't be in mapped area
JOC ENDUI Shouldn't be an uneven address
MOV @>FFFC,@OLDUWR Ok, we may have a valid hook: save its workspace
MOV @>FFFE,@OLDUPC Save its vector
JMP ENDUI And install ours instead

*This routine unhooks the UISR
UNHOKU MOV @OLDUWR,@>FFFC Restore previous workspace (or >0000)
MOV @OLDUPC,@>FFFE Restore previous vector
B *R11 Called with BL for simplicity

As you can see, the UISR tests the workspace of the caller. If it's not its own, it knows there was no re-entrancy and it saves the return vectors R13-R15 in an alternate workspace (so they can be loaded with a single instruction). If the caller's worskpace is that of the UISR, it means we re-entered. This can only happen at two places: before the first MOV @NEWPC,@>FFFE or after the last MOV @UISRPC,@>FFFE. The action to be taken is different in each case, but we can distinguish them by checking R14 (return point).

Now let's see what happen if the UISR is re-entered:

Another refinement I introduced is the possibility to link to a previously installed UISR. This is slightly dangerous to do, as there is no guaranty that the values found in >FFFC and >FFFE represent valid UISR vectors. First of all, some programs just ignore unmaskable interrupts and use the whole range of addresses to store their data. To try to detect this possibility, the installation routine LINKUI performs several checks to ensure the vectors are valid. Of course, another possibility is that there was a valid UISR that was erased or overwritten, but whose vectors remained intact. In this case, the computer will most probably crash! Therefore, it is probably safer to use HOOKUI to install your UISR unless you know for sure there is another program running, with a valid UISR loaded (such as a mouse driver).

Finally, just to avoid the above problem, you should call BL @UNHOKU to clear the unmaskable interrupt vectors, once you are done.

Maskable interrupts

When the INTREQ* line is low, the TMS9900 starts reading the number present on lines IC0-IC3 after each instruction. It compares this number to the value of the interrupt mask stored in the status register and if the interrupt level is lower or equal to the mask it performs a BLWP at an address that depend on the interrupt level.
Level 0 performs BLWP @>0000
Level 1 performs BLWP @>0004
Level 2 performs BLWP @>0008
Level 15 performs BLWP @>003C

The TMS9900 also automatically decreases the value of the interrupt mask (provided it's not 0), so that interrupts with higher priority can interrupt the ISR of the current one. You can programmatically change the value of the interrupt mask with the LIMI instruction (Load Interrupt Mask Immediate): LIMI 0 through LIMI 15. Note that interrupt 0 cannot be masked since LIMI -1 is not allowed. But this does not matter since interrupt 0 performs the same BLWP as the reset signal, and would thus be useless as an interrupt anyway.

Maskable interrupts in the TI-99/4A

Texas Instruments obviously decided to make things simple with the TI-99/4A: pins IC0 through IC3 are hardwired so that every interrupt has a level of 1. This means that there are only two relevant LIMI instructions:

       LIMI 2       Enable interrupts 
LIMI 0 Mask out interrupts

The vectors for interrupt 1 in the console ROM (at address >0004-0007) contain the values >83C0, >0900 therefore they branch to an interrupt service routine that is also located in the console ROM. Which means we have no control on maskable interrupts. What a pain in the neck!

The TI-99/4A interrupt service routine

The TI-99/4A unique ISR is located at address>0900 and is entered with worskpace >83C0. The first thing it does is to disable further interrupt with a LIMI 0 instruction, thus getting rid of the reentrancy problem. Then it changes the workspace to >83E0, which is the main workspace used by the GPL interpreter.

It then checks whether the interrupt was generated by the timer in the TMS9901 chip. This timer is used for cassette operations, and the routines that initializes it also loads a flag in bit 2 (value >20) of word >83FD. If this bit is 1 the ISR branches to the timer subroutines. Note that these routines never check whether the interrupt really came from the timer, which means any other interrupt will be mistaken for a timer interrupt if the flag bit is set in >83FD!

If the timer flag is not set, the ISR tests bit 2 of the CRU: this asks the interrupt controller TMS9901 whether the interrupt was generated by the videoprocessor. If this is the case, the ISR executes VDP subroutines.

If the interrupt did not come from the VDP, the ISR turns on peripherals cards one at a time, from CRU address >1000 to >1F00. It then calls each and every ISR is can find in these cards, untils either all cards have been called or one of the cards stopped the search process.

The ISR then restores workspace >83C0, and performs a RTWP to return to the main program.

Peripheral cards interrupts

To generate an interrupt, a peripheral card must have some piece of hardware that brings the EXTINT* line low. This line is present on the side port of the TI-99/4A (pin #4) and is fed to the PE-Box by the flex cable connector. In the PE-Box slots it is pin # 17.

To implement an ISR, the peripheral card must have onboard ROM (or RAM) that will be turned on by CRU bit 0 in its CRU address space (i.e >1000, >1100, >1200,... >1F00). The first byte in the ROM must be >AA to indicate a standard header. Then word >400C-400D must contain a pointer to a chain of ISRs (which may consist in only one ISR). Each link in the chain is made of two words: the address of the next link, and the address of the ISR to be branched at. Here is an example, featuring two ISRs:

Address  Value      Meaning                     
>4000 >AA Signals a standard header
>400C >4020 Points to first link in chain of ISRs
>4020    >4028      Points to next link 
>4024 >4100 Address of first ISR
>4028 >0000 No more links
>402C >4200 Address of second ISR
>4100     ...       First ISR starts here 
>4200 ... Second ISR starts here

Note that multiple ISRs are kind of a luxury. Most of the time, you won't need more than one ISR per card.

The peripheral ISR is in charge of checking whether the interrupt came from that card or not. If it determines that the interrupt was indeed issued by that card it should clear it by reseting line INTREQ* to high (this may be done automatically by the electronics) . It then performs whatever action the interrupt is meant to trigger.

In any case, ISR should return with:

        B    *R11  

Theoretically, the ISR should also reset the "peripheral interrupt" bit in the TMS9901:

        CLR   R12   

However, this is generally not necessary because the TMS9901 only latches interrupts for one clock cycle. If the peripheral card resets its own interrupt-generating circuitery, CRU bit 1 will become inactive at the next clock cycle.

Note that the main ISR will keep scanning peripheral cards and call their ISRs until all CRU addresses are checked. There is a way to prevent this after you dealt with an interrupt comming from your card. See ISRs in the page on standard headers.

I am only aware of one card that handles interrupts: the RS232 card (and it's quite buggy: see my RS232 page). The Horizon Ramdisk however, has RAM at >4000-5FFF and thus offers you the possibility to write your own peripheral ISR. The ramdisk won't trigger interrupts, but if you install it at a low CRU address (e.g. >1000) you'll be able to intercept any interrupt issued by other cards.

VDP interrupts

The videoprocessor TMS9918 can be programmed to issue an interrupt each time it refreshes the screen, which occurs 60 times per second (50 times per second for the European model TMS9929A). This interrupt is routed to the interrupt controller TMS9901 that echos it on CRU bit 2 and triggers the INTREQ* line.

Once the ISR has determined that the interrupt came from the VDP it does the following:

Four bits in byte >83C2 are used to enable/disable the first 3 functions:
If the first bit (weight >80) is set, the ISR jumps directly to point 4.
If the second bit (>40) is set, the ISR won't handle sprites.
If the third bit (>20) is set, the ISR won't process the sound list.
If the fourth bit (>10) is set, the ISR won't test the <quit> key.

Sprite auto-motion

The ISR expects byte >837A to contain the number of the highest sprite in automotion. It also expects the sprite descriptor table to be at address >0300 in the VDP memory (VDP register 5 must contain >06) and a sprite motion table at >0780 in the VDP memory. This motion table comprises 4 bytes for each sprite in auto-motion: the first two must be initialised with the desired speed, the next two are used by the ISR as internal buffers.

Sprite 0 >0780 X-speed Y-speed ........... ..........
Sprite 1 >0784 X-speed Y-speed .......... ..........
Etc upto
(if needed)
>07FC X-speed Y-speed .......... ..........

Positive speeds (>01 to >7F) move the sprite to the right (or down). The larger the number, the faster the sprite. Negative speeds (>80 to >FF) move the sprite to the left (or up). >FF is the slowest, >80 the fastest. If speed is zero the sprite does not move in this dimension. If both speeds are zero that sprite does not move at all.

Sound list

The ISR expects the address of the sound list in the word >83CC-83CD. As it processes the list, it will update this word so as to constantly point to the next bar to be processed. The sound list can be located either in VDP memory or in GROM, the last bit of byte >83FD is used to determine which memory it is in: 0 for GROM, 1 for VDP. Finally >83CE serves as a buffer for the duration counter: nothing will be played if it contains zero, so it should be initialized as >01.

In summary, the sound-processing subroutine in the ISR does the following:

Each bar in the sound list begins with a mandatory size byte, followed by several data bytes to be passed to the TMS9919 sound chip, and ends with a duration byte. A given bar does not need to access all 4 generators: any generator that is not specified will continue to play the same sound (if any).

 >ss                    Number of data bytes (not counting size nor duration) 
>8z >xy Set frequency >xyz on generator 1 (watch the nibble order!)
>9x Set attenuation >x on generator 1 (>0=max volume >F=off)
>Az >xy Set frequency >xyz on generator 2
>Bx Set attenuation >x on generator 2
>Cz >xy Set frequency >xyz on generator 3
>Dx Set attenuation >x on generator 3
>Ex Set noise type+frequency
>Fx Set attenuation x on noise generator
>tt Duration in 60th of a second (50th in Europe)
 ...                    Next bar(s)
 >ss >9F >BF >DF >FF    Turn all generators off (wise but optional) 
>00 Duration zero: end of list

Number of bytes
This specifies the number of sound bytes to be passed to the sound generator, therefore it does not incluse the duration (nor the # of bytes itself)

There are two special values for this byte, >00 and >FF, that allow to jump from one sound list to another or to create a loop inside the current list (to repeat a tune forever). The syntax is:

 >00        Fetch next bar at address wxyz in the current memory 
>wx >yz (i.e. place >wxyz in >83CC)
 >FF        Ditto, but change memory: go to VDP if we were in GROM and conversely
>wx >yz (i.e. invert bit 7 at >83FD)

The attenuation is 2 decibel (100 times less energy!) for each increment by 1. Specifying an attenuation of >F turns that generator off.

For tone generators 1 to 3, the frequency in Hertz can be calculated as:

F = 111860.8 

For the noise generator, the noise characteristics are determined by the last 3 bits of the frequency byte:

1110 0wrr
|00: 6691 Hz
|01: 3496 Hz
|10: 1748 Hz
|11: Pick up frequency from tone generator 3 (whether it's on or not)
0: Periodic noise
1: White noise

The duration byte specifies how many times the ISR must be called before it processes the next bar.

Testing the <quit> key

The ISR scans column zero of the keyboard (=, space, enter, Fctn, Shift, and Ctrl keys). If it matches the value found at >004C in the console ROM (>11 for Fctn =), it immediately performs a BLWP @>0000, effectively reseting the TI-99/4A. This is one of the rare cases when the ISR does not return to the calling program.

Saving the VDP status

The ISR just reads the VDP status byte from >8802 and stores it in byte >837B. This also clears the interrupt condition in the VDP.

Blanking the screen

The ISR increments by two the word at >83D6. If it becomes zero, the ISR uses a copy of VDP register 1 stored in byte >83D4, sets the INT bit (>20) to ensure that further VDP interupts will be generated, clears the SCR bit (>40) and writes that byte to VDP register 1, which results in turning the screen off.

Note that the word at >83D6 is incremented by two, therefore if it contains an odd value it will never reach zero and the screen will never be blanked. Placing >0000 it that word ensures the longer delay before blanking the screen (it requires 32768 calls to the ISR, which takes about 9 minutes), whereas >FFFE turns the screen off at the next interrupt.

Calling a user-define ISR

Now here comes the best part! The ISR checks the word at >83C4 (the interrupt hook), if it contains a non-zero value the ISR uses this value as a pointer to a user-defined routine. It branches to this routine via a BL instruction, with >83E0 as the workspace. This means that we can install an ISR of our own by placing its address in this word. In general, you should first check whether another program has already hooked it before to install your hook: this way you can chain the call to the other program and don't disturb anything.


       MOV  @>83C4,@OLDHOK       Let's save any pre-existant hook 
MOV R0,@>83C4 Now hook the ISR
LIMI 2 Interrupts must be enabled somewhere
LIMI 0 in the main program
MYISR ...                        Do what I want to do in our hooked routine 
MOV @OLDHOK,R2 Chain to old hook
B *R2 R11 still contains return address to the ISR

The anti-virus bug
Note that reseting the TI-99/4A clears the whole scratch-pad including >83C4, therefore a hook will not survive a reset. This was intentional from Texas Instruments, to prevent a virus from remaining active by just hooking the interrupt routine.

BUT... the code that clears >83C4 is written in GPL... and the GPL-interpreter allows interrupts! Thus, it is possible that an interrupt occurs after a reset, before >83C4 has been cleared, which would leave the hooking program in control. This never occurs in case of a hardware reset (e.g. turn the TI-99/4A off, then on) since the VDP chip takes a long time to reset itself before it generates the first interrupt. However, a software reset, such as pressing the <quit> key does not reset the VDP, so an interrupt may occur in time for the hook to survive the reset...

Timer interrupts

You can generate timed interrupts by loading a delay value in the TMS9901 chip, via the CRU. When the timer fires, an interrupt is generated. The TI-99/4A uses this feature for cassete operations: it times the cassette player by reading a long string of leading zeros on the tape, then uses this value to detect incoming data.

Unfortunately, it never occured to the TI engineers that somebody may want to use this timer for anything else than cassette operations. As a consequence, they wrote this part of the ISR in a way that makes it very hard to use for us.

Timer ISR subroutine

As mentioned above, the ISR branches to the timer ISR subroutine if bit 3 (>20) of byte >83FC is set. The timer ISR then behaves as follows:

Hooking the timer interrupt

Now, how can we make use of that routine?

What we want to do is to place a delay value in the TMS9901 and start the countdown. But first we must set the timer interrupt flag and disable all other interrupts as the main ISR would mistake them for a timer interrupt (remember, it only checks the flag to determine where the interrupt came from).

* This routine hooks the timer interrupts
* It expects a delay value in R0
* and a branch vector in R1 (or >0000 to use a forever loop)
TIMEON SOCB @H20,@>83FD Set timer interrupt flag bit
MOV R12,@OLDR12 Preserve caller's R12
CLR R12 CRU base address >0000
SBZ 1 Disable peripheral interrupts
SBZ 2 Disable VDP interrupts
SBO 3 Enable timer interrupts

Now we have to decide what to do when the interrupt occurs:

       MOV  R1,@>83E2          Zero if we want to wait in a forever loop
SETO @>83E2 Flag: we intend to branch elsewhere
MOV R1,@>83EC Set address where to go

Now, we can initialize the timer:

EVERLP SLA  R0,1               Make room for clock bit
INC R0 Set the clock bit to put TMS9901 in clock mode
LDCR R0,15 Load the clock bit + the delay
SBZ 0 Back to normal mode: start timer
MOV @OLDR12,R12 Restore caller's R12
* LIMI 2 (optional, see below) Enable interrupts now
B *R11

If we decide to wait for the timer to fire, the caller should soon go into a forever loop. If the timer fires before we do, the ISR will try to branch to the address found in >83EC (which may be a usefull feature, by the way).

* This routine sets the timer interrupts and wait for one to occur
LI R0,>1254 Value for 100 msec
CLR R1 Let's use a forever loop
BL @TIMEON Hook the timer interrupt
LIMI 2 Enable interrupts (if not done in TIMEON)
EVER JMP EVER Stays here until timer fires
BL @TIMOFF Escape loop: clean up timer setup

Alternatively, we could do something else until the timer interrupts us.

* This routine sets the timer interrupts and wait for one to occur
LI R0,>1254 Value for 100 msec
LI R1,COMEBY That's where we want to come
BL @TIMEON Hook the timer interrupt
LIMI 2 Enable interupts (if not done by TIMEON)

JMP HERE Do something (in this case, wait forever)
* We'll land here when the timer fires
COMEBY LWPI WREGS As we don't know for sure what the WS will be
... Do our stuff... and never return!

The only problem with the second solution is that the return address is lost by the main ISR. Which means we cannot resume execution of the main program after a timer interrupt. Well, we don't know the return address for sure, but we can sort of guess it since interrupts must be enabled by a LIMI instruction. Most programs place a couple of such instructions is a frequenly visited loop:

       LIMI 2 

If an interrupt occurs, it will be processed just after the LIMI 2 is executed. Thus, we know where to return: to the LIMI 0 instruction. Of course, this won't work if we have placed the LIMI 2 in our initialisation sequence: in this case the interrupt could occur anywhere. Curse the stupid TI programmer who coded that horror of an ISR!

Oh yes, and we should not forget to clean up our mess once we are done:

* This routines "unhooks" the timer interrupt
SZCB @H20,@>83FD Clear timer interrupt flag bit
MOV R12,@OLDR12 Preserve caller's R12
CLR R12 CRU base address >0000
SBO 1 Enables peripheral interrupts
SBO 2 Enables VDP interrupts
SBZ 3 Disables timer interrupts
MOV @OLDR12,R12 Restore caller's R12
B *R11
OLDR12 DATA 0                  Temporary buffer for caller's R12 

See the disk controller page for an example on how to use the timer interrupts to check the rotation speed of a disk drive.

See my page on the TMS9901 for more examples on how to program this chip and play with interrupts.

Revision 2. 3/25/99 Polishing
Revision 3. 5/29/99 Tested & debugged examples
Revision 4. 5/30/99 Solved the UISR re-entrancy problem
Revision 5. 5/12/00. Corrected a few typos
Revision 6. 8/28/00. Discussion of CRU bit 1 reset by ISR.
Revision 7. 1/20/06. Corrected bug: flag bit is at >83FD, not >83FC.

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