A member of our Synapsy commuity wins the 1st Prize of "my thesis in 180s”

In May, the University of Geneva organized the 7th edition of the regional final of Ma thèse en 180 secondes, allowing UNIGE doctoral students to present their research within the framework of a scientific popularization contest emphasizing relevance and eloquence.
On this occasion, ten candidates had the opportunity to present their research topic using simple terms to convince not only the jury but also the public. Indeed, while the jury awarded three prizes giving further access to the national finals, the public also voted to award their prize.
Fabien Carruzzo, PhD student in the team of our vice-coordinator, Prof. Stefan Kaiser, won this year not only the 1st Jury Prize but also the Public Prize - congratulations to Fabien!
In his thesis, Fabien Carruzzo studies the negative symptoms of schizophrenia. Using fMRI methods, he studies the link between apathy (also known as motivational negative symptoms) and deficits in ventral striatal activity during reward anticipation.