Ash Remobilisation 2019


Contribution abstracts - here


23 October – Day 1

8:00 – 8:30


8:30 – 9:00

Welcome and Workshop Opening (Donaldo Bran – INTA and Costanza Bonadonna – UNIGE)

THEME 1: Physical description I: examples from Argentina

9:00 – 10:00

  • 9:00-9:20 M. Elissondo and J. Kaufman (SEGEMAR, AR) “Sources of remobilized pyroclastic material associated with the volcanism of the Argentine-Chilean Andes”
  • 9:20-9:40 M. Easdale (INTA, AR) “Assessments and responses of INTA Bariloche to the volcanic ash fall from the Cordon Caulle eruption”
  • 9:40-10:00 L. Dominguez (UNIGE, CH) “Aeolian transport and deposition mechanisms of tephra remobilisation”


Coffee Break


  • 10:30-10:50 P. Forte (UBA, AR) “Wind remobilization impact associated with the Cordon Caulle eruption”
  • 10:50-11:10 C. Stewart (University of Canterbury, NZ) “Wind remobilization impact in Argentina”
  • 11:10-11:30 G. Toyos (CONAE, AR) “Wind resuspension of volcanic ash from space”
  • 11:30-11:50 E. Wolfram (CEILAP-UNIDEF, AR) “New insights into wind remobilisation from surface remote sensing”

11:50 – 13:10


THEME 2: Physical description II: examples from other regions

13:10 – 14:50

  • 13:10-13:30 N. Varley (Universidad De Colima, MX) “Wind remobilisation in Mexico”
  • 13:30-13:50 M. Encalada (IGEPN, EC) “Wind remobilisation in Ecuador”
  • 13:50-14:10 C. Chun (INSIVUMEH, GT) “Wind remobilisation in Guatemala”
  • 14:10-14:30 R. Aguilar (INGEMMET, PE) “Wind remobilisation in Peru”
  • 14:30-14:50 A. Saballos (INETER, NI) “Wind remobilisation in Nicaragua”

14:50 – 15:20

Coffee Break

15:20 – 17:00

  • 15:20-15:40 ML Monsalve (SGC, CO) “Wind remobilisation in Colombia”
  • 15:40-16:00 C. Jorquera (SERNAGEOMIN, CL) “Wind remobilisation in Chile”
  • 16:00 -16:20 M. Butwin (IMO, IS) “Wind remobilisation in Iceland”
  • 16:20-16:40 K. Wallace (USGS, USA) “Wind remobilisation in Alaska”
  • 16:40-17:00 K. Wallace (USGS, USA) “An overview of efforts toward standardization of tephra collection, analysis and reporting”

17:00 – 18:00

Poster presentation


Workshop dinner


24 October – Day 2

THEME 3: Dynamics of wind remobilisation

8:40 – 10:00

  • 8:40-9:00 J. Merrison(Aarhus University, DK) “Dynamics of wind remobilisation”
  • 9:00-9:20 J. Gillies (DRI, USA) “Laboratory experiments of volcanic ash resuspension”
  • 9:20-9:40 E. Del Bello (INGV Roma, IT) “Experimental and field studies of the resuspension of volcanic ash by wind”
  • 9:40-10:00 A. Folch (BSC, ES) “Theory and numerical modelling of ash remobilisation”

10:00 – 10:30

Coffee Break

10:30 – 11:45

Breakout sessions

11:45 – 12:45

Plenary discussion

12:45– 13:45


THEME 4: Modelling wind remobilisation

14:00 – 15:20

  • 14:00-14:20 F. Beckett (UK-MetOffice, UK) “Forecasting remobilised ash clouds at the London VAAC”
  • 14:20-14:40 M. S. Osores (VAAC-BA, AR) “Ash remobilisation observations and forecasting for BA-VAAC operations”
  • 14:40-15:00 H. Schwaiger (USGS, USA) “Operational forecasts of the resuspension of volcanic ash deposits from the 1912 Novarupta eruption” 
  • 15:00-15:20 L. Mingari (BSC, ES) “Numerical simulations of ash resuspension using the WRF-ARW/FALL3D modelling system”

15:20 – 15:45

Coffee Break

15:45 – 17:00

Breakout sessions

17:00 – 18:00

Plenary discussion

18:00 – 18:15

Workshop Closing

18:15 – 18:30

Field trip logistics


FIELD TRIP TO INGENIERO JACOBACCI : Day 3 - Day 4 (25-26 October)

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