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Mineral Resources and Geofluids

Recommended abbreviations for studies on ore deposits

4 December 2006


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In 2010 D. L. Whitney & B. W. Evans published an updated list of mineral abbreviations. See: American Mineralogist, Volume 95, pages 185–187, 2010


Most ore minerals are abbreviated according to Chace (1956) and most gangue minerals according to Kretz (1983). Following Chace (1956) and the dominant use in publications on economic geology, and in contrast to Kretz (1983), mineral abbreviations are written in lowercase. Native elements are capitalized.

Abbreviations should be logical and consistent (we prefer zo and czo, py and apy) and reflect established use (ab, an). They should also respect IMA English names (nk nickeline; not nc niccolite), and, as much as possible, etymology, prefixes and suffixes (digenite dg).

Mineral abbreviations should not coincide with atomics symbols if the native element does occur in nature (arsenopyrite: asp and not as, calcite: cal and not ca).

Sorted by mineral name
actinolite act
albite ab
allanite all
almandine alm
aluminum phosphate-sulfate minerals APS
alunite alu, alun (?)
amphibole (group) amph
anatase anat
andalusite and, anda (?)
andesine andes
andradite ad, adr (?)
anhydrite anh
ankerite ank
anorthite an
antimonite = stibnite stbn
apatite (group) ap
argentite arg
arsenopyrite asp
augite aug
azurite az
barite bar
biotite bt, bio (?)
bismuthinite bis
blende = sphalerite sl
bornite bn
boulangerite boul
brookite brk
brucite brc
bytownite byt
calcite cal
carrollite car, carr (?)
cassiterite cst, cas (?)
celestite cls
chalcedony (quartz variety) chc
chalcocite cc
chalcopyrite cp
chlorite (group) chl
chromite chr
cinnabar ci
clinopyroxene (series) cpx
clinozoisite czo
cobaltite cob
cordierite crd
corundum crn
covellite cv
cristobalite crs
cubanite cub
cuprite cup
diaspore dsp
dickite dck
digenite dg
diopside dio, di (?)
dolomite dol
electrum el
enargite enr
enstatite ens
epidote ep
fahlore (tn-td) fh
famatinite fm
fayalite fa
feldspar (group) fs, fds (?)
ferberite frb, fb (?)
fluorite fl
forsterite fo
franckeite frk
galena gn
gangue gg
garnet (group) grt, gar (?)
geocronite gcr
goethite goe
graphite graph (?)
grossular grs, gr (?)
grunerite gru
gypsum gy
hübnerite hub, hu (?)
halite hl
hedenbergite hd
hematite hm
hornblende hbl
illite ill
ilmenite ilm
ilvaite ilv
intermediate solid solution iss
jamesonite jm
kaolinite kao
K-feldspar (series) kfs, k-fs, k-fds (?)
kyanite ky
löllingite lol, loel
labradorite lab
limonite lm
linnaeite ln, lin (?)
luzonite lz
maghemite mgh
magnesite mgs
magnetite mt
malachite mal
marcasite mr, mrc (?)
mica (group) mic
microcline mc
molybdenite mo
monazite mnz
monosulfide solution mss
montmorillonite mm
muscovite ms
naumannite nau
nepheline ne
nickeline (niccolite) nk
oligoclase olg
olivine (group) ol
orpiment orp
orthoclase or
orthopyroxene (series) opx
paragonite prg
pentlandite pn
phlogopite phl
plagioclase (series) plag, pg, pl (?)
platinum group elements PGE
proustite pr
pyrargyrite pyrg
pyrite py
pyrophyllite prl
pyroxene (group) px
pyrrhotite po
quartz qtz, qz (?)
rare earth elements REE
realgar rl, rlg
resin (impregnation material) res
rhodochrosite rdc
rhodonite rdn
rutile rt
salite sal
sanidine sa
scapolite (group) scp
scheelite sch
sericite ser
serpentine (group) srp
siderite sd
skutterudite skut
smectite (group) smc
solid solution ss
sphalerite sl
sphene (titanite) ttn, tit
spinel spi
stannite stn
stibnite stbn
stilbite stlb
strontianite str
sulfosalts (class) sfs
talc tlc
tellurides (class) tel
tennantite tn
tetrahedrite td, tt, th (?)
titanite ttn, tit
topaz tpz
tourmaline (group) tour
tremolite trm
tridymite trd
troilite tro
uraninite ur
vermiculite vrm
wolframite (fb-hub) wf
wollastonite wo
zeolite (group) zeo
zircon zr
zoisite zo
zunyite zun
Sorted by abbreviation
albite ab
actinolite act
andradite ad, adr (?)
allanite all
almandine alm
alunite alu, alun (?)
amphibole (group) amph
anorthite an
anatase anat
andalusite and, anda (?)
andesine andes
anhydrite anh
ankerite ank
apatite (group) ap
aluminum phosphate-sulfate minerals APS
argentite arg
arsenopyrite asp
augite aug
azurite az
barite bar
bismuthinite bis
bornite bn
boulangerite boul
brucite brc
brookite brk
biotite bt, bio (?)
bytownite byt
calcite cal
carrollite car, carr (?)
chalcocite cc
chalcedony (quartz variety) chc
chlorite (group) chl
chromite chr
cinnabar ci
celestite cls
cobaltite cob
chalcopyrite cp
clinopyroxene (series) cpx
cordierite crd
corundum crn
cristobalite crs
cassiterite cst, cas (?)
cubanite cub
cuprite cup
covellite cv
clinozoisite czo
dickite dck
digenite dg
diopside dio, di (?)
dolomite dol
diaspore dsp
electrum el
enargite enr
enstatite ens
epidote ep
fayalite fa
fahlore (tn-td) fh
fluorite fl
famatinite fm
forsterite fo
ferberite frb, fb (?)
franckeite frk
feldspar (group) fs, fds (?)
geocronite gcr
gangue gg
galena gn
goethite goe
graphite graph (?)
grossular grs, gr (?)
garnet (group) grt, gar (?)
grunerite gru
gypsum gy
hornblende hbl
hedenbergite hd
halite hl
hematite hm
hübnerite hub, hu (?)
illite ill
ilmenite ilm
ilvaite ilv
intermediate solid solution iss
jamesonite jm
kaolinite kao
K-feldspar (series) kfs, k-fs, k-fds (?)
kyanite ky
labradorite lab
limonite lm
linnaeite ln, lin (?)
löllingite lol, loel
luzonite lz
malachite mal
microcline mc
maghemite mgh
magnesite mgs
mica (group) mic
montmorillonite mm
monazite mnz
molybdenite mo
marcasite mr, mrc (?)
muscovite ms
monosulfide solution mss
magnetite mt
naumannite nau
nepheline ne
nickeline (niccolite) nk
olivine (group) ol
oligoclase olg
orthopyroxene (series) opx
orthoclase or
orpiment orp
platinum group elements PGE
phlogopite phl
plagioclase (series) plag, pg, pl (?)
pentlandite pn
pyrrhotite po
proustite pr
paragonite prg
pyrophyllite prl
pyroxene (group) px
pyrite py
pyrargyrite pyrg
quartz qtz, qz (?)
rhodochrosite rdc
rhodonite rdn
rare earth elements REE
resin (impregnation material) res
realgar rl, rlg
rutile rt
sanidine sa
salite sal
scheelite sch
scapolite (group) scp
siderite sd
sericite ser
sulfosalts (class) sfs
skutterudite skut
sphalerite sl
blende = sphalerite sl
smectite (group) smc
spinel spi
serpentine (group) srp
solid solution ss
antimonite = stibnite stbn
stibnite stbn
stilbite stlb
stannite stn
strontianite str
tetrahedrite td, tt, th (?)
tellurides (class) tel
talc tlc
tennantite tn
tourmaline (group) tour
topaz tpz
tridymite trd
tremolite trm
troilite tro
sphene (titanite) ttn, tit
titanite ttn, tit
uraninite ur
vermiculite vrm
wolframite (fb-hub) wf
wollastonite wo
zeolite (group) zeo
zoisite zo
zircon zr
zunyite zun


- Bold: main terms for ore microscopy
- Italics: others than mineral names approved by IMA

- For stibnite the abbreviation stbn is proposed because stb is used for stilbite by Kretz (1983).

- Each mineral has a direct link to the mineral database Athena.


Chace (1956), Abbreviations in field and mine geological mapping, Economic Geology, v. 51, p. 712-723.

Kretz, R. (1983), Symbols for rock-forming minerals, American Mineralogist, v.68, p.277-279.


Contributions of Y. Haeberlin (Geneva), R. Marschik (Freiberg), M. Boni (Napoli), M. and M. Shimizu (Toyohama), J. Ellis (Montevideo), F. Tornos (Salamanca), L. Meinert (WSU), N. Cook (NGU), are acknowledged.


[Mineral Resources and Geofluids]  [Ore microscopy]  [Systematic]  [Properties]  [Slides]  [Abbreviations]  [Search for formula at Athena]

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