Current Position
Past Positions
  1. Giovanni Canepa, Claudio Dappiaggi, and Igor Khavkine. IDEAL characterization of isometry classes of FLRW and inflationary spacetimes. Classical and Quantum Gravity 35.3 (Jan. 2018), p. 035013. issn: 1361-6382. doi: 10.1088/1361-6382/aa9f61.
  2. G. Canepa, A. S. Cattaneo, and M. Schiavina. Boundary structure of general relativity in tetrad variables . Advances in Theoretical and Mathematical Physics 25.2 (2021), pp. 327-377. doi: 10.4310/atmp.2021.v25.n2.a3.
  3. Giovanni Canepa, Alberto S. Cattaneo, and Michele Schiavina. General Relativity and the AKSZ construction. Communications in Mathematical Physics (Aug. 2021). doi: 10.1007/s00220-021-04127-6.
  4. Giovanni Canepa, Alberto S. Cattaneo, and Manuel Tecchiolli. Gravitational Constraints on a Lightlike boundary. Annales Henri Poincaré (Mar. 2021). doi: 10.1007/s00023-021-01038-z.
  5. Giovanni Canepa, Alberto S. Cattaneo, and Filippo Fila-Robattino. Boundary structure of gauge and matter fields coupled to gravity (2022). To appear in Advances in Theoretical and Mathematical Physics doi: 10.48550/ARXIV.2206.14680.
  6. G. Canepa and M. Schiavina. Fully extended BV-BFV description of General Relativity in three dimensions . Advances in Theoretical and Mathematical Physics 26.3 (2022), pp. 595-642. doi: 10.4310/atmp.2022.v26.n3.a2.
  7. Giovanni Canepa and Alberto S. Cattaneo. Corner Structure of Four-Dimensional General Relativity in the Coframe Formalism (2022). Annales Henri Poincaré. doi: 10.1007/s00023-023-01360-8.
  1. Giovanni Canepa, Alberto S. Cattaneo, Filippo Fila-Robattino, and Manuel Tecchiolli. Boundary structure of the standard model coupled to gravity (2023). doi: 10.48550/arXiv.2307.14955.
  1. Giovanni Canepa. General Relativity on Stratified Manifolds in the BV-BFV Formalism. PhD Thesis. University of Zurich, Mar. 2021. Available online .
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