Summer School (ISSAS)


International Summer School in Affective Sciences (ISSAS)

Emotional intelligence:
Theories, insights, and applications from three decades of research

July 5-12, 2024

Chateau de bossey, Switzerland


The International Summer School in Affective Science (ISSAS) is one of the core education activities organized by the Education & Training program of the Swiss Center for Affective Sciences (CISA). This interdisciplinary school is organized around a topic of common interest to the various disciplines involved in the affective sciences. Past editions have been devoted to emotion and well-being, the development of emotion, emotion elicitation, emotion communication, emotion and action, emotion regulation, emotion and morality, aesthetic emotions, and emotions in fictions and virtual worlds. Our next edition will focus on another important transversal topic: emotional intelligence.

The school presents a very exciting opportunity to address research on emotional competencies in an interdisciplinary manner, with contributions from leading scholars in different areas in psychology and neuroscience. The school will be a great opportunity to explore the latest theories, insights, and applications, including topics such as emotion regulation, the assessment of EI, the development of emotional competencies across the lifespan, the interaction between different emotional competencies and clinical conditions, the role of EI in organizations, and more. Participants will include some of the world's leading experts, and a selected group of highly motivated, promising PhD students and postdocs working on such topics.

The summer school consists of a series of theme-specific lectures and workshops to develop certain topics and skills. Furthermore, an important part of the week will be dedicated to interdisciplinary group work where students will be encouraged to use their own knowledge and the resources of the summer school to design a novel research project to either theoretically or experimentally further the themes covered at ISSAS. The projects will be presented at the end of the school in competition for the ISSAS prize. A social program will also be offered to make the summer school not only intellectually enriching, but also an excellent opportunity to make new contacts and friends.