Conference program

You can download the program:

programme (4 199 Ko, pdf)

Tuesday 6th - Geneva

  • Morning (UniDufour)
    - Welcome speeches
    - Opening lecture: Saskia Sassen, Columbia University : "Bordering capabilities versus traditional borders"
    - Artistic performance and lecture : Ariane Littman , "Wounded Land"
  • Lunch (UniDufour)
  • Afternoon (UniMail)
    - First and second panel sessions
    - First poster session
    - Round table: Joëlle Kuntz, Juliet Fall, Nicolas Levrat, Jacques Lévy, "Contemporary Switzerland and the border / La Suisse contemporaine et l’idée de frontière"

Wednesday 7th - Geneva

  • Morning (UniMail)
    - Third panel session
    - Lecture: Eduardo Medeiros, Institute of Geography and Spatial Planning (IGOT), Centre for Geographical Studies (CEG), Lisbon University, "Euro‐Meso‐Macro: The new regions in Iberian and European space"
    - Lecture: Olivier Clochard, Réseau MIGREUROP, "The migratory borders of Europe: between externalization, networking and draw‐backs / Les frontières migratoires européennes: entre externalisation, mise en réseau et replis"
    - Lecture: Julie Mostov, Drexel University, "Rethinking Borders, Violence, and Space"
  • Lunch and second poster session (UniMail)
  • Afternoon (UniMail)
    - Fourth panel session
  • Field trip in Geneva and dinner: welcoming reception at the Crossborder Metropolitan

Thursday 8th - Geneva-Grenoble

  • Field trip in the border region where the congress will take place, encounter with local and regional stakeholders
    Speech during the journey Valais-Grenoble: "Does a mountain effect exist in crossborder cooperation?"
  • Gala dinner in Grenoble (and night in Grenoble)
    Key note speaker: Luc Gwiazdzinski, Université Joseph Fourier, "Meeting with the urban nights. Discontinuities and borders in metropolitan archipelagos / Éprouver les nuits urbaines. Discontinuités et frontières dans les archipels métropolitains"

Friday 9th - Grenoble

  • Morning
    - Fifth and sixth panel session
  • Afternoon
    - Plenary session: How do mobile borders question border theory?, with Chiara Brambilla, Federico Ferretti, Gregory Hamez, David Newman and Christophe Sonn
    - Plenary session, with Olivier Denert, Maano Ramutsindela and Michel Foucher
  • "Wine and cheese" cocktail

Possibility of going back to Geneva by special buses.
