Practical information

Hotel suggestion

We can recommend you the following hotels in the neighborhood of the event:


We can recommend you the following hotels in the neighborhood of the event:
  • "Hôtel Carmen"
    5, rue Dancet
    CH-1205 Genève
    hotelcarmen.gasser (at)
Other hotels are also available in the city of Geneva, the list here:
How to get to Université de Genève?
- UniDufour (Tuesday morning and lunch), click here: UniDufour
- UniMail (from Tuesday afternoon), click here: UniMail



Different categories of hotels are available in the city of Grenoble, here is the list we provide to you.
Hotels (315 Ko, pdf)
How to get to IGA - Institut de Géographie Alpine? Click here:
IGA (173 Ko, pdf)