If you use this exercise in the context of a learning site using Eurobarometer data, just read on. If not and if you wish to perform the exercise, please load the example data file using the menu

This example uses only SPSS command language  (syntax)

Building the post-materialism scale

Ronald Inglehart in his The Silent Revolution (Princeton 1977) formulates a theory that postulates a irreversible change of value priorities in post-industrial societies, i.e. we are, as he says, moving from a society based on materialistic values towards a society, where postmaterialistic values are becoming more important.

He proposes to measure whether people tend to be more materialistic or postmateralistic by asking people about the priorities in what their country/government should do in the future and build, from the answers, an index (scale).

In the questionnaire used for the example here (Eurobarometers in Switzerland) the following priorities were proposed:

  1. Maintain order in the country
  2. Give people more to say in important government decisions
  3. Fight raising prices
  4. Protect freedom of speech

Respondents were asked to select their first priority from the list and then a second. The first and third items are considered materialist, items 2 and 4 as post-materialist. A respondent selecting both materialist items is qualified as materialist; if the first item is materialist and the second post-materialist, the person is "rather materialist, and so on.

Preliminary diagnosis
Build the scale

In order to build the scale we need to create a new variable that reflects, for each individual, his or her position on the "post-materialism" scale, i.e. one out of four possible scores:

The following table shows this in a more concise form (the scores for all combinations of rows and columns are shown in the table)

  First priority q11a
"2nd Priority
(1) Maintain
(2) More to say (3) Fight raising
(4) Freedom
of speech
(1) Maintain order - 3 1 3
(2) More to say 2 - 2 4
(3) Prices 1 3 - 3
(4)Freedom speech 2 4 2 -

This table tells you in fact what you have to do, just translate, for instance:

This condition translates readily into an SPSS command:

IF q11a=1 AND q11b=2  PM=2.

The highlighted part corresponds to a logical expression.  Instead of using the IF command you can of course use the menu instead. Show corresponding menu operation

This has to be repeated for all cells in the table above, i.e. you need to write a sequence of conditions (either write a command in a syntax window or call up a dialog using Transform > Compute Variable ).

Create now the PM scale using the information provided. Define a label for the new variable, as well as labels for the values (codes).
Produce a frequency table for PM; you should see codes of 1,2,3 and 4, as well as a number of System missing values.
Do you know why there are SYSMIS  (system missing) values? [Need help?
Show all conditions (syntax)
Using more compact logical expressions

You can specify the conditions in a more compact form, an expression for each of four the PM values.

© Copyright, Eugene Horber, U. of Geneva and FORS, 2024