Biology Club
We are pleased to inform you that the Biology Club is ongoing in-person in 2023-2024!
Every 3rd Monday of the month, a Post-Doc in the Life Sciences field will present their work at 12:15 am. The seminars will be held in room 1S059, and streamed by Zoom - the link will be sent by e-mail to the participants before each meeting.
The talk (~40 minutes) should address a wide audience and it will be followed by questions and discussion.
Their PI will be invited to introduce the speaker.
This will be an opportunity for all of us to get to know our Post-Doc colleagues and to help disseminating their scientific work. Furthermore, this is a renewed opportunity to bring together researchers from different fields of biology, to hear exciting results, and to exchange ideas.
We are looking forward to seeing you there!
The Biology Club talks are open to everyone!
Detailed program: