To make proper use of the questionnaire, please use the Scoring Sheet to appropriately label your participants' expertise - information on how to use it are found inside the Scoring Sheet. This applies to all languages.
Current version : November 2022 (Last version : December 2021)
Difference between current and last version : We added items to know whether people are playing on small and/or touch screen. If they are answering 'Yes' to one and/or both items for an action or action-like game type, they will not be labelled as AVGP.
Questionnaire in English
Questionnaire in French - translated in the lab
Questionnaire in German - thanks to Saskia Wilken (FernUniversität in Hagen), Adriana Böttcher (Technische Universität in Dresden) and Julia Föcker (University of Lincoln).
Questionnaire in Chinese - thanks to Gaoyang Hua (East China Normal University), Yuqi You (East China Normal University), Xinyu Liang (梁新宇) (Fudan University, and Ruyuan Zhang (Shanghai Jiao Tong University,
Soon - Questionnaire in Danish - thanks to Christopher Bak (Aarhus University)
Questionnaire in Hungarian - thanks to Zsuzsanna Radics (Semmelweis University)