Video Game Questionnaire

Bavelier Lab Video Game Questionnaire,
in collaboration with C. S. Green


Latest versions

To make proper use of the questionnaire, please use the Scoring Sheet to appropriately label your participants' expertise - information on how to use it are found inside the Scoring Sheet. This applies to all languages.

Current version : November 2022 (Last version : December 2021)

Difference between current and last version : We added items to know whether people are playing on small and/or touch screen. If they are answering 'Yes' to one and/or both items for an action or action-like game type, they will not be labelled as AVGP.

Questionnaire in English 

Questionnaire in French - translated in the lab

Questionnaire in German - thanks to Saskia Wilken (FernUniversität in Hagen), Adriana Böttcher (Technische Universität in Dresden) and Julia Föcker (University of Lincoln).

Questionnaire in Chinese - thanks to Gaoyang Hua (East China Normal University), Yuqi You (East China Normal University), Xinyu Liang (梁新宇) (Fudan University, and Ruyuan Zhang (Shanghai Jiao Tong University,

Soon - Questionnaire in Danish - thanks to Christopher Bak (Aarhus University)

  • for adults - Version : November 2022

Questionnaire in Hungarian - thanks to Zsuzsanna Radics (Semmelweis University)