Laura Fruggeri

laura fruggeri, ph.d.jpg


Systemic/social constructionist therapist, Professor of social psychology, University of Parma and Centro Bolognese di Terapia della Famiglia, Parma and Bologna, Italy





(Presentation in English with simultaneous translation into French, June 23 at 16:30)

“Bridging research and therapeutic practice”

This presentation wants to emphasize how research in non-clinical settings contributes to construct an empirically informed yet creative psychotherapeutic practice. Through a research project that involved non-clinical families with preschool children, the Triadic Interactions Analytical Procedure (TIAP) was elaborated (Venturelli, Fruggeri, Cabrini, Cigala, 2015); such a procedure allows analyzing the interactions between family members through specific dimensions that are based on the principles of process oriented analysis, circularity and complementarity. The Triadic Interactions Analytical Procedure has been adjusted for its application in clinical settings and has been tested for its validity in the Family Therapy settings, showing that the lenses offered by TIAP allow therapists to generate new hypotheses and to introduce new stories within therapeutic conversations with patients. Case examples will illustrate its feasibility of the procedure in Family Therapy.
