Protecting People Displaced by Disasters and Climate Change
Le Global Studies Institute et le Département du Droit International Public et Organisation Internationale de la Faculté de Droit accueillent une conférence de Walter KÄLIN, Professeur de droit à l’Université de Berne et Envoy of the Chairmanship of the Nansen Initiative. Cette conférence s'intitulera
"Protecting People Displaced by Disasters and Climate Change"
Every year around the world, millions of people are forcibly displaced by floods, windstorms, earthquakes or droughts. Many find refuge within their own country but some have to go abroad. In the context of climate change, such movements are likely to increase. National and international responses to this challenge are insufficient and protection for affected people remains inadequate.
Prof. Walter Kaelin, Envoy of the Chairmanship of the Nansen Initiative will talk about the global situation, and the work of the Nansen Initiative. Launched in 2012 by Switzerland and Norway, the Nansen Initiative is a state-led consultative process to build consensus on a Protection Agenda addressing the needs of people displaced across borders in the context of disasters and climate change.
Elle aura lieu mardi 28 avril 2015, 18h15 en salle M S130 à Uni Mail, boulevard du Pont d’Arve 40, Genève
La conférence est publique
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21 avril 2015