The Limits of Global Governance in a Neomedieval World

lundi 18 avril 2016 de 12h15 à 13h45

Par le Prof. Philip G. Cerny, University of Manchester and Rutgers University

Globalisation is entangling the nation-state in cross-cutting webs of power and influence, but global governance has not replaced the states system. Transnational neopluralism provides an alternative paradigm, looking at the ways formal and informal networks of economic, bureaucratic and social actors shape outcomes in a world of complex interdependence. These changes are leading to an unbundling of basic state functions and the growth of uneven, crosscutting and overlapping levels of governance and quasi-governance, the fragmentation of cultural identities and the reconfiguration of social, economic and political spaces. At the same time, systemic pressures for the consolidation of new forms of transnational and international authority are insufficient, resulting in a governance gap. Exit is becoming an increasingly viable option for a growing range of actors and groups, leading to endemic civil and cross-border wars. The result will be not mere chaos, however, but something resembling the 'durable disorder' of the Middle Ages.

Présidence: Prof. Sandra Lavenex, Global Studies Institute de l’Université de Genève

Lieu: Uni Mail, salle MR070

Entrée libre

1 avril 2016